Evolution of this Project
Goals set in our Strategic Plan call for adequate spaces that encourage spiritual, meditative, and educational growth and more specifically to support the Lifespan Religious Education Ministry. In addition there is an identified need for more and better meeting spaces that are multi-functional to support a variety of uses.
The documents below track the steps followed since 2013, to address these goals. This page is in reverse chronological order, roughly as events happened. Thus, the latest activity or information will be at the top.
Goals set in our Strategic Plan call for adequate spaces that encourage spiritual, meditative, and educational growth and more specifically to support the Lifespan Religious Education Ministry. In addition there is an identified need for more and better meeting spaces that are multi-functional to support a variety of uses.
The documents below track the steps followed since 2013, to address these goals. This page is in reverse chronological order, roughly as events happened. Thus, the latest activity or information will be at the top.
On April 2, 2021, an ad hoc subcommittee of the Board’s Finance Committee, the “Capital Improvement Projects Subcommittee,” published preliminary plans for the next phase. “Phase III” will address the several projects which were deferred in 2018 in order to afford the completion of Phase II construction without burdening the church’s operating budget with long-term debt. Click here for the April 2 list of projects and description of the prioritization process to engage inputs from the congregation.
On March 10, 2021, a joint letter to the congregation from Board President Heather O’Connor and Minister Thom Belote announced the joyous news that an extraordinary gift to the Capital Fund, on top of all the generous contributions and participatory fund-raising to date since 2017 and in expectation of timely fulfillment of remaining pledge balances, enables the church to completely close the funding “Gap” by June 2022!
At the October 18, 2020 Annual Meeting (Zoom), the Building Project Task Force presented an update to the congregation on construction progress and the Gap status. They followed an informal script and shared a few visuals, recreated in this report.
On June 19, 2020, having finally received our full permitting from the town of Chapel Hill, we officially launched construction of the new wing. Groundbreaking was heralded on June 23 by a photo of the first excavator on-site, with Reverend Thom at the controls.
On April 14, 2020, the Board of Trustees, based on careful assessment of the risks of proceeding vs the risk of delaying, approved the recommendation of the combined Building Project Task Forces to proceed with the Building Project. Click here for the letter that was sent to the congregation explaining the rationale and plan for proceeding amid the uncertainties of the current economy.
In January 2020, the church signed a contract with the Riggs-Harrod construction company, to build the new wing. In mid-March, as we were waiting for final permits to be approved by the town, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic raised serious consideration of our alternatives for the project.
On January 19, 2020, a new leaflet entitled "2020: Our Building Project and the Gap" was distributed at both services. Open sessions after each service gave the congregation opportunities to ask questions of Building Task Force leaders. Here are the notes from those Q&A sessions.
In September 2019, a leaflet entitled "Why Are We Doing a Building Project" was published, to recap our priorities and plans.
On June 9, 2019, the Congregation received a briefing on the status of Phase I (Jones Building Fix-Up) and Phase II (construction of new addition) of the Building Project.
On January 13, 2019, the Congregation received a briefing on the Board's plan for proceeding and voted to authorize the necessary construction loan.
On December 11, 2018, the Board elaborated on its proposed plan for moving forward with the Building Project, by endorsing a strategy paper entitled “Minding the Gap.”
It is available HERE.
The Board took the October feedback into consideration in finalizing its “Proposed Plan for Moving Forward with [the] Building Project,” dated November 13, 2018, which is HERE.
During the first three weeks in October,2018, the congregation participated in a survey by which they provided feedback on the proposed plan for moving forward. A summary of the survey results is HERE.
On October 14, 2018, there was a Town Hall Meeting at which the congregation received a presentation on the status of the projected building costs and capital funds available, and a proposed plan for moving forward. The slides for that presentation are HERE. The meeting highlights and Q&As are reported HERE.
At the Congregational Meeting on June 10, 2018, the Capital Campaign Task Force gave its final report to the congregation. They announced that we have received commitments of almost $1,450,000 for our Capital Campaign. Further pledges will be most welcome.
At the Congregational Meeting on January 7, 2018, the Capital Campaign Task Force provided a project update on behalf of the combined Building Project Task Forces.
In late 2017, structured conversations were held with each of 15 adult church groups. Here is a summary of their answers to the question, “What are the features you particularly value in a meeting/gathering space?”
On September 3, 2017, the new name "Building on Our Legacy" was announced. Details were provided in an insert in that Sunday's Order of Service.
At the Congregational Meeting on June 11, 2017, the combined Building Project Task Forces presented a project update, supplemented by an informational handout.
At a special meeting of the Board on February 6, 2017, the results of the January 29th Congregational Meeting were discussed among the members and the attending congregants. The Board unanimously approved a resolution setting direction for the Building Project. That resolution along with a covering message from the minister were sent by email to the Congregation on Friday, February 10th.
The Financial Feasibility Study was conducted in early January 2017. Results were shared with the Board and on January 29 a Congregational Meeting was held to discuss the results and find agreement on next steps. Here is the slide presentation for the meeting. And, here are the minutes from the meeting.
The Congregational Meeting on December 4, 2016, included a slide presentation focusing on the process that we are following to determine if we will proceed with a capital campaign in the spring. It included a motion to move to the next step of the Building Project--a Financial Feasibility Study-- which passed with great support. Details about this study are provided in the same slide presentation. Here are the minutes from the meeting.
Town Hall to discuss Space Reassessment Report, October 23, 2016. Here is the PDF version of the presentation given at this meeting: click here
Space Reassessment Report, September 2016:
In late July and early August, the Space Reassessment Task Force held a series of discussion groups to update our space needs. This report is a summation what was presented and what was heard at the discussion groups.
Town Hall Meeting, June 15, 2016:
The Board of Trustees presented a status report to the congregation on Wednesday, June 16. The report included a review of steps taken to date including the negotiations with the Chapel Hill Cooperative Preschool. As well, next steps were presented and Thom Belote gave his views on the renovation and expansion project to come. This is the link to the presentation including notes on slides where applicable.
Letter to the Church Board from the Chair of the Chapel Hill Cooperative Preschool (CHCP), June 7, 2016:
At the conclusion of negotiations between the church and the CHCP, the Board of the CHCP decided to move the preschool to a facility built and owned by them. There is more detail on this in the Town Hall Meeting slides of June 15, 2016. The letter from the CHCP Board Chair is at this link.
Space Assessment Task Force Report to the Board, January 2015:
In late 2013 the Board of Trustees established the Space Assessment Task Force (SAFT) to work with the various stakeholders that use non-sanctuary spaces in order to coordinate a statement of space needs. Independent members of the congregation were asked for ideas during listening sessions and encouraged by coffee hour displays to provide inputs. A final report was given to the Board in January 2015.
At the Congregational Meeting on January 7, 2018, the Capital Campaign Task Force provided a project update on behalf of the combined Building Project Task Forces.
In late 2017, structured conversations were held with each of 15 adult church groups. Here is a summary of their answers to the question, “What are the features you particularly value in a meeting/gathering space?”
On September 3, 2017, the new name "Building on Our Legacy" was announced. Details were provided in an insert in that Sunday's Order of Service.
At the Congregational Meeting on June 11, 2017, the combined Building Project Task Forces presented a project update, supplemented by an informational handout.
At a special meeting of the Board on February 6, 2017, the results of the January 29th Congregational Meeting were discussed among the members and the attending congregants. The Board unanimously approved a resolution setting direction for the Building Project. That resolution along with a covering message from the minister were sent by email to the Congregation on Friday, February 10th.
The Financial Feasibility Study was conducted in early January 2017. Results were shared with the Board and on January 29 a Congregational Meeting was held to discuss the results and find agreement on next steps. Here is the slide presentation for the meeting. And, here are the minutes from the meeting.
The Congregational Meeting on December 4, 2016, included a slide presentation focusing on the process that we are following to determine if we will proceed with a capital campaign in the spring. It included a motion to move to the next step of the Building Project--a Financial Feasibility Study-- which passed with great support. Details about this study are provided in the same slide presentation. Here are the minutes from the meeting.
Town Hall to discuss Space Reassessment Report, October 23, 2016. Here is the PDF version of the presentation given at this meeting: click here
Space Reassessment Report, September 2016:
In late July and early August, the Space Reassessment Task Force held a series of discussion groups to update our space needs. This report is a summation what was presented and what was heard at the discussion groups.
Town Hall Meeting, June 15, 2016:
The Board of Trustees presented a status report to the congregation on Wednesday, June 16. The report included a review of steps taken to date including the negotiations with the Chapel Hill Cooperative Preschool. As well, next steps were presented and Thom Belote gave his views on the renovation and expansion project to come. This is the link to the presentation including notes on slides where applicable.
Letter to the Church Board from the Chair of the Chapel Hill Cooperative Preschool (CHCP), June 7, 2016:
At the conclusion of negotiations between the church and the CHCP, the Board of the CHCP decided to move the preschool to a facility built and owned by them. There is more detail on this in the Town Hall Meeting slides of June 15, 2016. The letter from the CHCP Board Chair is at this link.
Space Assessment Task Force Report to the Board, January 2015:
In late 2013 the Board of Trustees established the Space Assessment Task Force (SAFT) to work with the various stakeholders that use non-sanctuary spaces in order to coordinate a statement of space needs. Independent members of the congregation were asked for ideas during listening sessions and encouraged by coffee hour displays to provide inputs. A final report was given to the Board in January 2015.