Make a PledgeClick below to learn about pathways to pledge support for the on-going life and growth of our community.
annual Pledge DriveStaff, programming support , utilities, maintenance, and all the systems that allow our community thrive
CApital FundBuilding Expansion and Improvement Projects
endowment fundSupport for the future of our
congregation's mission |
Make a donationMethods for making donations to our church online, by check, or with stock:
donate onlineArrange one time or recurring payments with
credit card or bank account transfers Mail a checkPlease make the check out to "Community Church of Chapel Hill" and write the donation's purpose in memo line and mail to:
106 Purefoy Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Qualified Charitable
Questions or assistance needed?
Contact our Congregational Administrator at
[email protected] or 919-229-9452
[email protected] or 919-229-9452