upcoming services & SCHEDULE
Worship Services at 9:30 and 11:15 AM
January 26
“Small But Mighty? The Promise of Liberal Religion”
Rev. Thom Belote, preaching
What is liberal religion? What is its role in the times in which we live? Join us for a service grounding ourselves in present struggles and future possibilities.
February 2
"Why Do You Come to Church, John?"
Rev. Thom Belote, preaching
The title of this sermon comes from a favorite reading by Rev. Victoria Safford. Join us this Sunday for an exploration of what being a part of a religious community is really all about.
February 9
"Religious Freedom, Human Freedom, Soul Freedom"
Rev. Thom Belote, preaching
There is a paradox of freedom that says that placing restrictions on our freedom actually allows us to have greater freedom. (An example of this is fact-checkers that remove disinformation from social media.) At a time when many of our most cherished freedoms are under threat, we’ll explore how to promote freedom in our lives and communities.
February 16
"Frog & Toad Puppet Theater Presents…"
Led by Rev. Thom Belote and the Frog & Toad Players
A tradition going back more than 40 years, this morning’s multigenerational service will include a Frog & Toad puppet show performed by members of our congregation and a reflection on the themes of friendship that run through the beloved stories of Arnold Lobel.
February 23
Campus Ministry Service
Led by Members of the UU Campus Fellowship
Join us for a service led by members of the UU Campus Fellowship at UNC. This is an opportunity to hear about their lives, their concerns, and their spiritual journeys.
January 26
“Small But Mighty? The Promise of Liberal Religion”
Rev. Thom Belote, preaching
What is liberal religion? What is its role in the times in which we live? Join us for a service grounding ourselves in present struggles and future possibilities.
February 2
"Why Do You Come to Church, John?"
Rev. Thom Belote, preaching
The title of this sermon comes from a favorite reading by Rev. Victoria Safford. Join us this Sunday for an exploration of what being a part of a religious community is really all about.
February 9
"Religious Freedom, Human Freedom, Soul Freedom"
Rev. Thom Belote, preaching
There is a paradox of freedom that says that placing restrictions on our freedom actually allows us to have greater freedom. (An example of this is fact-checkers that remove disinformation from social media.) At a time when many of our most cherished freedoms are under threat, we’ll explore how to promote freedom in our lives and communities.
February 16
"Frog & Toad Puppet Theater Presents…"
Led by Rev. Thom Belote and the Frog & Toad Players
A tradition going back more than 40 years, this morning’s multigenerational service will include a Frog & Toad puppet show performed by members of our congregation and a reflection on the themes of friendship that run through the beloved stories of Arnold Lobel.
February 23
Campus Ministry Service
Led by Members of the UU Campus Fellowship
Join us for a service led by members of the UU Campus Fellowship at UNC. This is an opportunity to hear about their lives, their concerns, and their spiritual journeys.