How to Be a Part of Things- Tips for Newcomers
Whether you are new or just want to feel a stronger connection at church, there are several things you can try out for building deeper relationships here.
Wear Your Name Tag
Stick on name tags are available every Sunday at the Welcome Table. You may also request a more permanent name tag at the Welcome Table. Just leave your name and we'll get you one by the next Sunday.
Make it a Habit
Commit to coming regularly for 6 to 8 weeks to develop a habit and get comfortable on Sunday mornings. As often as possible, arrive early or remain after the service for conversation.
Find a Small Group to Feed Your Spirit
Take a Spiritual Education for Adults (SEA) Class or Workshop, join a monthly Covenant Group, attend the Friday Noon Sacred Reading Group (held every week 12-1pm in the Commons), and/or join one of our Choirs. All are great ways to foster spiritual growth and deepen relationships within the church.
Volunteer Alongside Others from the Church
Another great way to connect is to volunteer to serve your fellow human beings with one of our justice and service programs. For example, help cook or serve a meal to residents of the Interfaith Council Shelter, hammer a nail into a Habitat for Humanity house going up in our community, or be a part of our in-house Caring Ministry by providing food or transportation for a member in need. Learn more here.
Attend a Connecting Activity or Join an Activity Group
Want to just have fun sharing a common interest with others at the church? We have a number of groups that are more social in nature including the 20s and 30s Group, Campus Ministry, Flaming Chalices Church Softball Team, Outdoor Connections, qUUilters Group, WomenCircle (activities and adventures for all women at the church), and UUkes (ukulele group – no experience required). Learn more here.
These are just a few suggestions. Everyone’s path to connecting will be unique. You can jump right in or just dip in a toe. If you are craving stronger connections though, I encourage you to commit to trying out at least one of the paths listed above. Let me know how it goes.
For more information please contact:
Rachel Rose, Membership Director
[email protected]