WomenCircle Programs for 2025
WomenCircle events are held monthly, some outdoors, some indoors at church, and other places, and some on Zoom. Please note each month is a little different. Some changes to this schedule may occur last minute. Please stay tuned to the church weekly announcements to see latest news.
For some of our WomenCircle events, you will need to sign up in advance. These events are all listed in monthly newsletters and weekly announcements with a contact person’s name. Attendance may be limited for some events. Sign -ups are on a first come, first serve basis. We look forward to having you join us.
Saturday, January 4 from 10:30 am –12 in the Living Room - WomenCircle Book Sharing and Exchange
Please come share your joy of books. You will have an opportunity to read a favorite passage or tell why your chosen book(s) was important to you. Bring any books that you are willing to give away for our end-of-meeting book swap. Contact Lisa Epner for more information
Saturday February 15 - Potluck and Games: 11:45 - 2PM in the Community Room.
Coordinators: Nancy Mayer and Ruth Gibson .
Saturday March 1 - Day of Service: Making Cards for Meals on Wheels Clients.
Coordinators: Lisa Epner and Maris Abernathy
Saturday April 5 - Civil Rights Museum tour in Greensboro.
Coordinators: Janet Stevens and Julie Underwood
Friday- Sunday May 16-18: Retreat at Montreat NC.
Yes there is room. Contact Joann Haggerty to register.
Saturday June 14 - Tubing on the Dan River.
Coordinators: Joan OBrien and Ruth Gibson
Weekday July TBD - Walk in Dix Park Raleigh- Sunflowers.
Coordinators: Susan Hayman and Joann Haggerty
Friday August 8 - Pool Party 3-6 PM. At Bonnie Gilliam’s.
Coordinators: .Bonnie Gilliam and Kathy Putnam Rain Date: Sat August 9
Saturday Sept 20 or Sun Sept 21. - Tour Pauli Murray House and lunch somewhere. In Durham. Charge.
Coordinators. Teri Books and Nancy Mayer.
Saturday October. TBD. - Making Spirit Boxes. At church.
Coordinators: Susan Hayman and Glenda Weiland.
November. TBD. - UNC Women’s Volleyball and lunch somewhere. (Hopefully no Charge)
Coordinators: Linda Thompson and ___________
Friday December 5 Planning WomenCircle 2026 9:30-11:30AM. At church.
Coordinators: Joann Haggerty and Janet Stevens.
Connection Fair - Sunday Sept ?-
Susan Hayman
Day of Service - Sat March ? - Making Cards and Collecting Ensure for Meals on Wheels
Lisa Epner, and Maris Abernathy
Have questions about a particular event?
Use the Contact Us! button at the top of this page.
A bit of History

Since 1996, WomenCircle has encouraged and sponsored programs of interest to women of all ages at the Community Church. Programs are usually monthly and vary widely.
WomenCircle programs have enabled women to:
- Explore spirituality in rituals
- Learn new skills
- Get outdoors
- Expand physical skills
- Build community and make friends
- Have fun
Here’s what our 2023 planners have liked most about WomenCircle:
• A circle of interesting and supportive welcoming friends who care about the church and each other
• I see/feel accepted… sisterhood
• Women’s community of caring, sharing and laughter
• Fellowship with kindred spirits
• The gathering together of some of the most enjoyable women I’ve ever met
• The Women! Hearing each others’ stories, getting to know each other, and its fun learning new things
• The ingenuity of different plans
• Enjoying the strengths and creativity of women
• I love the community building and friendships I have
• Place for new people to meet people
• Fun interesting places to go
Book Recommendations from WomenCircle Book Share on 1/4/2025
Ivy - Anam Cara: The Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O’Donohoe
Lisa - The Four Winds and The Women both by Kristin Hannah
Julie- Grandma Gateway’s Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail by Ben Montgomery
Ruth - North Woods by Daniel Mason
Jody- The Little Blue Book on Retirement: By Women, For Women by Erica Baird and Karen Wagner
Kathy -The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese
The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride
Indigo Field by Marjorie Hudson (local author)
Joann -Solito: A Memoir by Javier Zamora
Joan - The Ethics by Baruch de Spinoza
Glenda -The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Joy- Playground by Richard Powers
Lynn- Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese
Betsy-Late Migrations: A Natural History of Love and Loss by Margaret Renkl
Elsbeth A Hummingbird in My House: The Story of Squeak by Arnette Heidcamp
Susan- Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
Bonnie Winter Hours: Prose, Prose Poems and Poems by Mary Oliver
Kyle - The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
Dorothy -State of Wonder by Ann Patchett
Maris- Acupressure Potent Points: A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments by Michael Reed Gach
Haikus written in WomenCircle Workshop 11/13/2022
Coordinators: Ivy Brezina and Mariana Fiorentino
WomenCircle programs have enabled women to:
- Explore spirituality in rituals
- Learn new skills
- Get outdoors
- Expand physical skills
- Build community and make friends
- Have fun
Here’s what our 2023 planners have liked most about WomenCircle:
• A circle of interesting and supportive welcoming friends who care about the church and each other
• I see/feel accepted… sisterhood
• Women’s community of caring, sharing and laughter
• Fellowship with kindred spirits
• The gathering together of some of the most enjoyable women I’ve ever met
• The Women! Hearing each others’ stories, getting to know each other, and its fun learning new things
• The ingenuity of different plans
• Enjoying the strengths and creativity of women
• I love the community building and friendships I have
• Place for new people to meet people
• Fun interesting places to go
Book Recommendations from WomenCircle Book Share on 1/4/2025
Ivy - Anam Cara: The Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O’Donohoe
Lisa - The Four Winds and The Women both by Kristin Hannah
Julie- Grandma Gateway’s Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail by Ben Montgomery
Ruth - North Woods by Daniel Mason
Jody- The Little Blue Book on Retirement: By Women, For Women by Erica Baird and Karen Wagner
Kathy -The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese
The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride
Indigo Field by Marjorie Hudson (local author)
Joann -Solito: A Memoir by Javier Zamora
Joan - The Ethics by Baruch de Spinoza
Glenda -The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Joy- Playground by Richard Powers
Lynn- Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese
Betsy-Late Migrations: A Natural History of Love and Loss by Margaret Renkl
Elsbeth A Hummingbird in My House: The Story of Squeak by Arnette Heidcamp
Susan- Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
Bonnie Winter Hours: Prose, Prose Poems and Poems by Mary Oliver
Kyle - The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
Dorothy -State of Wonder by Ann Patchett
Maris- Acupressure Potent Points: A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments by Michael Reed Gach
Haikus written in WomenCircle Workshop 11/13/2022
Coordinators: Ivy Brezina and Mariana Fiorentino
- Acorns drop, crack, roll
- Halting scurry, flicking tail
- Horned stag, windblown leaves
- ~ Joan O’Brien
- Wearing shingled hats
- Acorns plop down in the woods
- Ready to take root
- ~ Bonnie Gilliom
- Leaves are falling now
- The trees emerging undressed
- Flaunting stark beauty
- ~ Janet Tice
- Brick walkway littered
- Strewn with acorn debris
- Navigate with care
- ~ Ivy Brezina
- Oaks’ future hopefuls
- Spreading generations
- Fast falling to earth
- ~ Mariana Fiorentino
- So full of promise
- Standing under oaks, so wise
- Sometimes wisdom hurts
- ~ Linda Thompson
- Like Clydesdales clomping
- The sounds of falling acorns
- Excite the squirrels
- ~ Marianna Fiorentino
- Inside is treasure
- It must be broken open
- So much like our hearts
- ~ Linda Thompson
- Abundance assured
- Let the gathering begin
- Squirrels hoard acorns
- ~Mariana Fiorentino
- Whisper wings come close
- Sip sweet nectar
- For journey away til spring
- ~ Carol Palm
- Sun setting early
- Wrapping the yard in darkness
- Sleeping comes quickly
- ~ Gwen Van Ark
- Unpack down blanket
- Cuddle up with Throat Coat tea
- Hibernation time
- ~ Ivy Brezina