Children's Program
September 2024-May 2025
Program Begins Sunday September 8, 2024
In Person Programing at 9:30 and 11:15 during the Adult Worship
The Children's Ministry Programs at both Sunday Services are the same.
Nursery and Toddler Childcare (0-2) years old)
Sunshine Circle
Chalices Circles and Chalice Chapel (3-11 year olds)
Rainbow Circle (3-5 year olds)
Water Circle (6-8 year olds)
Fire Circle (9-11 year olds)
Soul Matters CirclesWhat is a Sunday Morning Like? Our Children’s Ministry Program it is a small group ministry model in which children meet weekly in a goup of 8 to 12 children close in age. In Soul Matters Circles, each week children have an opportunity to worship, to build community, to participate in meaningful service and learn about Unitarian Universalism. About once a month the children join the adults in sanctuary for Multigenerational Worship time, which gives children a chance to worship with their parents and be connected to the whole community. Our program is worship centered which means that children participate in worship every week. We are moving away from calling the groups “classes” and calling our program an “education” program. Our children absolutely do learn about Unitarian Universalism while participating in the ministry program; however our emphasis is teaching through worship, singing, community and service. So our program is .experiential and worshipful. Contact: Marion Hirsch, Director of Lifespan Religious Education dre @ . |
This year's Themes