Community Church in Action
Recent activities in the life of our church
BOWLING NIGHT! Youth Ministry Team On January 12, 2025, over 45 Middle and High School youth and their families gathered for an afternoon of bowling to get the new year rolling. For more information about the Youth Ministry Team, contact Assistant Director of Religious Education, Kat Good. |
PIZZA & BOARD GAMES 20s & 30s On January 4, 2025, a dozen members of our congregation in their 20s and 30s gathered for games and pizza. They played the popular board game, "Wingspan", which was designed by Unitarian Universalist Elizabeth Hargrave. For more information about our 20s & 30s group, please contact Director of Religious Education, Marion Hirsch. |
"JESUS IS A GEODE!" Religious Education On December 8, 2024, one week before our annual holiday pageant, children in Religious Education cracked open geodes to learn about Jesus. Turns out, he was sparkly on the inside and full of inherent worth and dignity--just like all of us! For more information about Religious Education, contact Kat Good, Assistant Director of Religious Education. |
NIFTY GIFTY 2024 Children's Ministry On Saturday, December 7, 2024, twenty children spent two hours making 100 gifts to give to their friends and family this holiday season. For more information about Children's Ministry, contact Kat Good. |
October 26, 2024: Dedication Ceremony for Weavers Grove qUUilters / Habitat for Humanity Joy Mermin, Susie Hafer, Marlene Meyers, and Laurie Prentice-Dunn had the pleasure of meeting Karen, the new homeowner of the unit our congregation helped to build. She gave us a tour of her soon-to-be-completed home, and these members of the qUUilters presented her with a quilt as well as one for her son, Brian. For more information about qUUilters, contact Laurie Prentice Dunn. |
HOLIDAY MARKET Welcoming Ministry On December 8, 2024, Artists and Creatives of all ages shared their talents and sold their wares at the annual Holiday Market during the Sunday Socials. 20% or more of profits were donated to The Community Church! It was a celebration of the Season of Giving. For more information about Welcoming Ministry, contact Rachel Rose. |
Welcoming Ministry
On November 29, 2024, over 75 people of all ages joined for fellowship and food for a delicious potluck. We shared the cooking, a blessing, a meal and the clean-up. We are thankful for Beloved Community!
For more information about Welcoming Ministry, contact Rachel Rose.
Welcoming Ministry
On November 29, 2024, over 75 people of all ages joined for fellowship and food for a delicious potluck. We shared the cooking, a blessing, a meal and the clean-up. We are thankful for Beloved Community!
For more information about Welcoming Ministry, contact Rachel Rose.
Youth Ministry
On November 17, 2024, The Community Church was one of four host sites for the UUA Southern Region Constellation Youth Summit. There were over 30 youth and advisors from six UU congregations (Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Charlotte) at our site. There were over 95 participants engaged in the "constellation" of all four sites.
For more information about the Youth Ministry Team, contact Marion Hirsch.
Youth Ministry
On November 17, 2024, The Community Church was one of four host sites for the UUA Southern Region Constellation Youth Summit. There were over 30 youth and advisors from six UU congregations (Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Charlotte) at our site. There were over 95 participants engaged in the "constellation" of all four sites.
For more information about the Youth Ministry Team, contact Marion Hirsch.
FIRST-YEAR MEMBER RECEPTION Welcoming Ministry On October 13, 2024, 45 members of our community - adults and children - shared a meal together hosted by the Welcoming Ministry. The group celebrated and helped the newest Members of The Community Church and group leaders connect so we can all learn, serve and grow together. Rev. Thom provided a reading. For more information about Welcoming Ministry, contact Rachel Rose, Director of Membership & Communication. |
UU the Vote & Children's Ministry On October 12, 2024, 30 members of our community - adults and children - worked together as way for families and kids to participate in UU the Vote, the nationwide Unitarian Universalist movement for voter engagement. They made posters, wrote postcards, learned how to canvass our neighbors, shared food, played games, had fun, and learned together. For more information about Children's Ministry, contact Marion Hirsch, Director of Religious Education. |
Connections Fair 2024 Welcoming Ministry On September 15, 2024, Welcoming Ministry hosted the 2024 Connections Fair, where over thirty groups within The Community Church shared how it is that they live our faith. It was a wonderful display of the many ways to connect, learn, serve and grow within our Beloved Community. For more information about the Connections Fair or Welcoming Ministry, please contact Rachel Rose, Director of Membership and Communications. |
OUR WHOLE LIVES ELEMENTARY FACILITATOR TRAINING Our Whole Lives Ministry From Aug 30 to September 1, twelve people were trained to facilitate Our Whole Lives including four new facilitators from our church. For more information about Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education, Please contact Kat Good, Assistant Director of Religious Education and OWL Coordinator. |
Community Service Ministry
On August 13, 2024, fourteen members of our community met to stuff backpacks with requested school supplies which were donated by our church for under-resourced middle school students. In just over 45 minutes, many backpacks were filled for deserving students so that they can focus on school, not school supplies.
For more information about the School Supplies Drive, contact Teri Brooks.
On August 25, 2024, 34 people were trained to register voters with You Can Vote (YCV). After lunch, attendees learned how to best help people navigate the registration process and how they can take the next steps to volunteer with YCV. Thanks to all who donated their time and gifted food, and a special thanks to Wendy Jebens, Janet Stevens, Barb Chapman, and Ruth Gibson for making the event such a success. Missed the training? Online training is available at YCV.
On August 25, 2024, 34 people were trained to register voters with You Can Vote (YCV). After lunch, attendees learned how to best help people navigate the registration process and how they can take the next steps to volunteer with YCV. Thanks to all who donated their time and gifted food, and a special thanks to Wendy Jebens, Janet Stevens, Barb Chapman, and Ruth Gibson for making the event such a success. Missed the training? Online training is available at YCV.
Multi-Generational Service On June 2, 2024, our congregation celebrated the annual Flower Communion, which is a treasured Unitarian Universalist tradition. Over 200 members of our community participated. Each person was asked to bring their own flower and adds it to a common vase, which signifies that by our own free will, we come together. During the communion, each person takes a flower from the vase other than the one they brought. The significance of the flower communion is that as no two flowers are alike, so no two people are alike, yet each has a contribution to make. Together the different flowers form a beautiful bouquet. Our common bouquet would not be the same without the unique addition of each individual flower, and thus it is with our church community: it would not be the same without each and every one of us. |
Welcoming Ministry
On June 9, 2024, around 50 people joined for a shared meal - New Members to learn about the work we are doing as a community, and group leaders to share their efforts with the newest Members of our church.
For more information about Membership, please contact Rachel Rose, Director of Membership & Communications.
INTERIOR RENEWAL PROJECT This project includes a repainting of inside walls as well as replacing water-damaged drywall. The first stage of the project began on Tuesday, May 7, and includes repainting the Sanctuary, Commons, and Straley Room. When those areas are complete, the second stage will include repainting the Jones Building Community Room and staff offices. It has been 17 years since the Sanctuary, Commons, and offices were last painted. Thanks to the Buildings & Grounds team for all their work to make this long-overdue project a reality! |
HIKE AT BLUE JAY POINT COUNTY PARK Outdoor Connections On April 20, 2024, eleven church members gathered at the Blue Jay Center for Environmental Education to hike the Falls Lake Trail and to visit two view points on Falls Lake at Blue Jay Point County Park. Highlights of the trip were a large stand of mayapples and a very large osprey nest at the top of a very high tree! Lunch at Sassool in North Raleigh was also a fun, communal time. |
"THESE UUNITED STATES" Thanks to everyone who attended our annual Music Gala, "These UUnited States," on Saturday, April 13. It was a rousing success in every way, with over $2,000 raised for the Music Program and A/V needs. Over 200 people enjoyed 20 amazing performances with over 50 performers in one 90-minute act, then sampled homemade desserts and danced to live music afterwards. If you didn't have cash handy, or watched online, and would still like to support the performers and the Music Program, you can do so by going to the "One Time Donation" page on the church website, and putting "Music Gala 2024" in the Memo line. Contact Glenn Mehrbach, Music Director, for more information. |
SUNDAY SOCIALS Each Sunday, we have at least two opportunities to be social! In-person Sunday Socials follow each worship service, wherein there is coffee, tea, Tabling for groups within our church, and fellowship. Join us to connect! For more information about the Sunday Social, contact Rachel Rose. |
Mission: Possible! On March 2, 2024, the Mission: Possible 2024 Day of Service was a great success, with 250 agents providing more than 700 hours of service to partner organizations. Members of our congregations contributed by playing music, organizing missions, preparing food, planning the event, and lending a hand where needed. Get ready for another great mission in 2025! For more information about the Day of Service, contact Leigh Anne King or Becky Wilkes. |
SPECIAL BUUDDIES Children's Ministry On February 24, 2024, forty children and adults in the congregation attended the Special bUUddy Friendship Forum together on Saturday, February 24. The bUUddy program matches adults and children together and they spend a month corresponding and making friends. The program culminates in a fun breakfast at the Friendship Forum with games and waffles. For more information about Children's Ministry, contact Marion Hirsch, Director of Lifespan Religious Education |
TEA AND SYMPATHY Fall Auction Event On February 3, 2024, nine Members of The Community Church gathered at the home of Gail McKinley and Bill Poteat for an Auction event generously donated by Gail & Bill. Of the event, Kathy Putnam said: " 'Tea and Sympathy' gave us time to share and appreciate stories about our grandmothers and beyond, over tea and goodies in Gail's parlor." |
BOOKFLOOD The Community Church Staff On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, some of The Community Church Staff joined together in their version of bookflood. Staff members bring a wrapped book - from their shelves or from a store - and fun, fellowship and a shared meal follow. |
REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE MEDIA RALLY Side With Love On Monday, January 21, our Side With Love ministry brought a busload of members to Raleigh for a rally in support of reproductive justice. Speakers at the rally included our own Melva Fager Okun as well as Rev. Lisa Garcia-Sampson, our affiliated community minister. |
MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP OVERNIGHT RETREAT Youth Ministry On January 19, 2024, seventeen middle school youth gathered for an evening of games, worship, conversation, a movie, and snacks. For more information about Youth Programming. contact Marion Hirsch, Director of Lifespan Religious Education. |
qUUilters Over several months, 15 members of our qUUilters group have made quilted lap quilts. 30 of those quilts were delivered to the Refugee Support Center staff for distribution to refugees who had come from many countries around the world. We wanted to give some comfort, warmth, and color at this time of the year. Individuals who have completed the tasks to become naturalized citizens were able to choose a quilt. While we were not present, comments were shared with us of their joy in having “something useful,” “that reminded me of my home country,” “I am having a baby soon and this will get used a lot.” There were also many comments of thankfulness shared with us that were heard by the staff at Thanksgiving time, such as “not worrying about what will happen to us in the night,” “feeling welcome by this country,” and “my child can attend school and get a ride on a bus.” These comments feel like gifts to us! For more information about the QUUilters, email Laurie Prentice-Dunn. |
CHILDREN'S PAGEANT 2023 "Hail Mary" More than 30 children and youth of the church (including two playing the role of Baby Jesus) told the story, with an unprecedented five playing the role of “Mary” at various stages of her life. For more information about the Music Ministry, contact Glenn Mehrbach, Music Director. |
HOLIDAY MARKET 2023 Welcoming Ministry On December 3, 2023, The Community Church of Chapel Hill Welcoming Ministry hosted the Holiday Market during the Sunday Socials. Over twenty artists, vendors and ministries offered crafts, music, art, decor, and ways to live our Mission. Hundreds of people attended, and funds and spirits were raised! For more information about the Welcoming Ministry, contact Rachel Rose. |
DAY-AFTER-THANKSGIVING POTLUCK 2023 Welcoming Ministry On November 24, 2023, The Community Church of Chapel Hill Welcoming Ministry held its first-ever Day-AFTER-Thanksgiving Potluck. It was a fun, informal affair, with plenty of fresh food. Nearly sixty folks shared a meal and fellowship. For more information about the Welcoming Ministry, contact Rachel Rose. |
A WRINKLE IN TIME November 17 - 19, 2023 The Community Church of Chapel Hill presented a production of an adaptation of Madeleine L’Engle's A Wrinkle in Time, by Morgan Gould. The cast and crew included children, youth and adults in the congregation. The production was directed by church member Joëlle Bourjolly. |
Celebrating Glenn Mehrbach's 20 Years with The Community Church On October 15, 2023, we joined to celebrate Glenn Mehrbach’s 20 years as our Music Director. Testimonials, given by Marion Hirsch & Ariadna Nacianceno were heartfelt. The Community Church Singers, led by Ed Steffes did a creative and entertaining parody on a song from the musical Les Miserable called “ Maestro of the House”. All enjoyed the homemade goodies, including a large cake baked & decorated by Dorothy Hammett.There were many people who were happy to volunteer to thank Glenn for the Music! |
WELCOMING MINISTRY New Member Reception On October 8, 2023, over 60 people joined to celebrate the many new Members who joined The Community Church over the last year. Congregational Award winners, other lay leaders and staff joined the new Members in a shared meal and a reading from Rev. Thom. For more information about the Welcoming Ministry, contact Director of Membership & Communications, Rachel Rose. |
Connections Fair 2023 On September 17, 2023, lay leaders and other volunteers participated in the life of our church by sharing and learning about the many groups within our beloved community that help us live our Mission at the Connections Fair, where 27 groups showcased their important work within and beyond our walls! For more information about the Welcoming Ministry, contact Director of Membership & Communications, Rachel Rose. |
QUUILTERS Habitat for Humanity Housewarming On August 26, 2023, Habitat for Humanity of Orange County held a celebration for the Odie Street neighborhood completion of 24 homes. The Community Church of Chapel Hill Unitarian Universalist helped to build some of these homes, including the home dedicated for a young family. Our qUUilters group, represented by Laurie Prentice-Dunn, Dorothy Hammett, Carol Rogers and Sandy Young, delivered quilts for each member of this family. The event was a wonderful celebration of collaboration and partnership, creativity, vollunteering, and support for families. For more information about the qUUilters, contact Laurie Prentice-Dunn. For more information about Habitat for Humanity, please contact Glenn Davis. |
Annual Choir Potluck On August 20, 2023, Twenty-eight members of the Music Program gathered in the home of Music Director Glenn Mehrbach and his wife, Deborah Klinger. Pictured: Paul Eskildsen and Scott Provan leading a sing-along after dinner and dessert at the annual Community Church Choir and Singers Potluck For more information about our Music Program, contact Music Director, Glenn Mehrbach. |
COMMUNITY SERVICE MINISTRY Filling School Backpacks On August 12, 2023, eight volunteers from The Community Church Community Service Ministry filled loads of school backpacks with school supplies for local schoolchildren in need. For more information about our annual School Backpack Project, contact Teri Brooks. |
CHILDREN'S MINISTRY Chalice Camp 2023 Twenty children participated in our annual week-long summer camp for children at church. Activities included Sardines, field trips, worship, games, arts and crafts and service. One child memorably said afterward, "I wish every day was Chalice Camp." For more information about Children's Ministry, contact Marion Hirsch. |
Rising Up and Flower Communion On June 4, 2023, the Rising Up and Flower Communion Service honored children and youth in the church and particularly the graduating seniors pictured here. For more information about the Youth Ministry, please contact Marion Hirsch. |
New Member Reception On June 11, 2023, the newest Members of The Community Church joined with lay leaders in the New Member Reception, hosted by the Welcoming Ministry. Over 70 people made connections and shared a meal. For more information about Membership or the Welcoming Ministry, contact Rachel Rose. |
CHILDREN'S MINISTRY Game Day! On Saturday, May 13, 2023, families gathered for fun and games and quality snacks (provided by Children's Ministry). Please contact Marion Hirsch for more information about the Children's Ministry. |
YOUTH MINISTRY Coming of Age On May 7, the congregation celebrated six youth who completed the Coming of Age Program and shared their credos with the congregation. They will be traveling to Boston together in June on the traditional UU Pilgrimage. Please contact Marion Hirsch for more information about the Coming of Age program. |
UU CAMPUS FELLOWSHIP End of Semester Dinner On May 4, 2023, fourteen folks participating in the UU Campus Fellowship celebrated the end of the semester at dinner with the minister and the faculty advisor. Contact Marion Hirsch for more information about UU Campus Fellowship.On May 4, 2023, fourteen folks participating in the UU Campus Fellowship celebrated the end of the semester at dinner with the minister and the faculty advisor. |
EARTH DAY MULTIGENERATIONAL WORSHIP Braiding Meditation (Watch video) On April 23, 2023, all ages in our congregation worshipped together and Kat Good led us (with the excellent help of a few assistants!) in a Braiding Meditation. Contact Marion Hirsch or Kat Good for more information about Children's and Youth programming. |
YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM UU Youth Group from Raleigh visits On April 23, 2023, Our Youth Group welcomed the Raleigh UU congregation's Youth Group; the two youth groups gathered for games and sharing. Contact Marion Hirsch for more information about Youth Group. |
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Easter Egg Drop On Easter Sunday, children in Religious Education participated in a cooperative egg drop challenge, wrapping their eggs in "love" and dropping them out the window of the Gathering Room. At the second service, not a single egg broke! To learn more about Children's & Youth Religious Education, contact Kat Good, Assistant Director of Religious Education, or Marion Hirsch, Director of Religious Education. |
OUR WHOLE LIVES (OWL) First Grade Our Whole Lives (OWL) First Grade Our Whole Lives (OWL) concluded on March 19, 2023. Seven first graders spent eight Sundays learning about bodies, birth and babies. They learned about consent and caring -- even practicing swaddling and feeding their stuffies. To learn more about Our Whole Lives (OWL), contact Kat Good, Assistant Director of Religious Education. |
LOBBYING FOR REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE On February 28, 2023, a group of Unitarian Universalists from our church and the UU Church of Greensboro participated in a reproductive justice lobbying day in Raleigh. We spoke with our legislators about the importance of protecting reproductive freedom in North Carolina. |
WELLSPRING SACRED EARTH GROUP Haw River Clean-Up-A-Thon On March 18, 2023, six members of our congregation embodied our respect for the interdependent web of all existence by volunteering for the Haw River Clean-Up-A-Thon to clean up trash from the waterways. Contact Marion Hirsch to learn more about Wellspring Sacred Earth Group. |
CHILDREN'S MINISTRY TEAM Family Taco Bar & Games Night On January 28, 2023, the Children's Ministry Team sponsored a Family Taco Bar and Games Night for over 70 people of all ages. For more information about Children's Ministry, please contact Marion Hirsch. |
qUUilters: Charles House Visit On January 18, 2023, Joy Mermin and Laurie Prentice-Dunn, members of our qUUilters group, accepted the invitation by staff of Charles House to share examples of our quilts to their group of participants. It is always a fun time and the Charles House folks were most welcoming and enthusiastic, as always. Contact Laurie for more information about qUUilters. |
qUUILTERS: Making quilted placemats for Meals on Wheels On January 7, 2023, At our regularly scheduled January meeting of the qUUilters, a dozen members worked on making quilted placemats. They have been working on this project for the past several months, leading up to the Church-wide Community Day of Service on March 4, when they will roll, tie, and tag the placemats for delivery to Meals on Wheels in Durham and Orange Counties. Learn more about the qUUilters, or join their email list. |
YOUTH MINISTRY Spares, Strikes and Turkeys! On January 8, 2023, over 50 youth and their families attended Youth Family Bowling Night. For more information about Youth Programming, contact Marion Hirsch. |
YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM Annual Festive Potluck & White Elephant On December 18, 2022, twenty High School youth ( and returning college youth!) celebrated at the Annual High School Youth Group Festive Potluck and hilarious White Elephant Exchange. For more information about Youth Programming, contact Marion Hirsch. |
HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Hijinks and gingerbread houses! On December 11, 2022, a dozen members of the High School Youth Group created gingerbread houses. Contact Marion Hirsch for more information about High School Youth Group. |
Holiday Bazaar 2022 On December 4, 2022, a dozen members of The Community Church community celebrated the beginning of the season of giving by offering their Spirit Dolls, ceramic bowls, knitted scarves, hats, cowls, baby blankets, beaded jewelry, fabric-wrapped rope bowls, Spell Jar Jewelry, felt art, children's books, storytelling CDs and storytelling USBs, CDs, and original paintings for sale. The Holiday Bazaar is a long-standing Community Church tradition, and 20% of all proceeds are donated to The Community Church! |
Greening of the Church & Chili Potluck Supper On December 3, 2022, around 140 members of the Community Church community joined in fellowship for the church’s Greening and Chili Dinner. There was much work done with the Greening and the Holiday Service Project for the Women’s Center. And the Chili Dinner!! Wow, the Chili Dinner -- filled with good food, joy, and fellowship followed by sing-along of Holiday songs led by the UUkes. It was wonderful getting together and enjoying the fellowship after a long absence. Thanks to all involved. |
On November 24, 2022, over 40 members of our community celebrated Thanksgiving at church together, a tradition which we are grateful has returned. Community, food, fellowship and music were enjoyed by all.
AUCTION EVENT Nano Felted Scarf-Making Workshop/Workout On November 12, 2022, eight members of our congregation who participated in our Fall Auction attended the Nano Felted Scarf-Making Workshop / Workout. This workshop was an auction event in which participants, led by Lisa Lackmann and Selden Holt, made their own individualized pieces of wearable art with creativity and sweat equity, fueled by artsy focaccia. |
YOUTH MINISTRY Pumpkin Carving On October 23, 2022, members of the High School Youth group carved pumpkins together. Contact Marion Hirsch to learn more about Youth Programming. |
WALK THE WALK Stagville Plantation Tour On October 8, 2022 more than a dozen members participated in a tour of Stagville to learn more about the impact of slavery in our area. Walk the Walk is a program for racial justice learning which is local and in person. Walk the Walk is cosponsored by Spiritual Exploration for Adults (SEA), Side with Love, and Living Our Covenant with Intention |
UNC UU CAMPUS FELLOWSHIP Painting the "Cube" On September 15, 2022, the UU Campus Fellowship at UNC painted the "Cube" in front of the Student Union to advertise the group. President Jenny Nelson made homemade chocolate chip cookies for the painters. Learn more about UNC UU Campus Fellowship. |
SINGING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM AT THE DURHAM BULLS GAME Community Church Choir On September 11, 2022, The Community Church Choir continued their tradition of singing the national anthem at a Durham Bulls game! Hear them sing! |
On August 25, 2022, Rev. Thom, Director of Religious Education Marion Hirsch, and undergraduate and graduate students in the UU Campus Fellowship recruited new members for the group at Club Day on campus.
QUUILTERS Service Projects On August 6, 2022, during the regular August meeting of the qUUilters group, finished quilts and quilt tops for our holiday gifts to the First Home Women's Shelter were turned in. Bundles of fabrics were taken home by members to make more placemats which will be given to Meals on Wheels participants during our church-wide Day of Service in March, 2023. |
On Tuesday, August 2, Charles House dedicated a new piano in honor of the historic partnership between Charles House and The Community Church. The dedication celebration included music from Erich Lieth and Scott & Jane Provan. Charles House Executive Director Paul Klever and Rev. Thom Belote each spoke about the historic connection between the two organizations, and how the partnership continues today through volunteering and financial support. The celebration included lots of singing, dancing, and joy.
On Tuesday, August 2, Charles House dedicated a new piano in honor of the historic partnership between Charles House and The Community Church. The dedication celebration included music from Erich Lieth and Scott & Jane Provan. Charles House Executive Director Paul Klever and Rev. Thom Belote each spoke about the historic connection between the two organizations, and how the partnership continues today through volunteering and financial support. The celebration included lots of singing, dancing, and joy.
20S & 30S GROUP Pizza and Games Night On July 31, 2022, fourteen members of the 20s & 30s group enjoyed fun and fellowship with a Pizza and Games Night. Please contact Marion Hirsch, Director of Religious Education, for more information about the 20s & 30s group. |
WELCOMING MINISTRY: Celebration of Staff Transition On July 31, 2022, Dana Lundquist officially left our congregation to become the Director of Religious Education at another UU congregation. She handed over the responsibilities (and official stapler!) of the Congregational Administrator to Harrison Gray, the newest member of our staff. The congregation celebrated the transition with sweet summer treats. |
End-of-Year Celebration
On June 11, 2022, Members of the Community Church Choir and Singers gathered for an “End-of-Year Celebration” at Music Director Glenn Mehrbach’s house. They enjoyed conversation, an outdoor potluck meal, and, finally, a sing-along on the screened porch. It was the first social gathering since the fall of 2019. A wonderful time was had by all.
End-of-Year Celebration
On June 11, 2022, Members of the Community Church Choir and Singers gathered for an “End-of-Year Celebration” at Music Director Glenn Mehrbach’s house. They enjoyed conversation, an outdoor potluck meal, and, finally, a sing-along on the screened porch. It was the first social gathering since the fall of 2019. A wonderful time was had by all.
WELCOMING MINISTRY: New Member Reception On Sunday, June 12, 2022, our congregation held a New Member Recognition during our worship service, in which we officially welcomed the newest Members of our congregation. Immediately following the service, our congregation held its Annual Congregational Meeting - then we all celebrated with a festive Reception. |
FLOWER COMMUNION On Sunday, June 5, 2022, our congregation held its annual Rising Up service. Rising Up honors our children and youth as they "rise up" into Kindergarten, into middle school, into high school, or into life following high school. Each year this service also includes a UU Flower Communion ceremony and ends with a spirited singing of "Love Train." |
CHILDREN'S MINISTRY: STUFFIE SLEEPOVER 2022 Fifteen auction-winning stuffed animals slept over at the church at the beginning of May. They were very naughty. You can see all their antics in this Stuffie Sleepover video. |
JOURNEY OF RECONCILIATION COMMUNITY WALK On Sunday, April 10, our church partnered with University Presbyterian Church and the Orange County Community Remembrance Coalition to lead a community walk visiting notable sites from when the Freedom Riders came to Chapel Hill in 1947. Pictured: Rev. Thom Belote telling a portion of the story in front of the Presbyterian Manse. Listen to Rev. Thom's sermon about the Journey of Reconciliation. |
Community Day of Service/Annual Pledge Week Thanks for all you did! Thanks to the more than 250 volunteers who joined us to provide more than 800 hours of service to more than 24 charities in our community on March 5, 2022. Through our Durham Bulls Baseball ticket raffle, we also raised $440 for the Inter-Faith Council for Social Services. It was a heart-warming and exciting day. |
Waterfalls & Fellowship
In October, 2021, fourteen members of The Community Church hiked to a variety waterfalls while staying at a small retreat center called Sassy Goose in Cedar Mountain. They enjoyed great food, game-playing, and sights along the Blue Ridge Parkway.
WORSHIP MINISTRY: Donations to HomeStart Shelter On December 20, 2021, Alexa Adamo Valverde, her son Oliver, and Kathy Putnam picked up donated and handmade gifts from generous church members from Joy Mermin’s porch and delivered them to the HomeStart Shelter for single women and parents. Tracey, the director was very appreciative. Thank you for making the holidays brighter! |
QUUILTERS: Quilt delivery to Afghan refugee family On November 12, 2021, the QUUilters delivered nine quilts to our new Manse guests. Laurie Prentice-Dunn, Joy Mermin and Ruth Gibson, who is coordinating volunteer services for our refugee families, met all the members of the family at the door of the manse with flashcards in Pashto to explain why we were there, which the father was able to read aloud to the family. The card tied to the front of the basket contains the following message in Pashto: Welcome! Here are 9 quilts we made for you. We are so glad to have you here. From the women who make quilts at the church. |
Pumpkin Hunt!
On October 17, 2021, Middle-Schoolers
carved pumpkins at church, but only after
finding the pumpkins hidden throughout the church.
Quilt Demonstration and Dignity Dining Vest Donation to Charles House October 4, 2021: The presentation on Monday at Charles House was lots of fun. Participants and staff really enjoyed seeing our quilts and hearing our stories about them. Sandy, Joy and Laurie also enjoyed hearing their stories! They look forward to going back in December. Everyone, participants and staff alike, was also very appreciative of the 24 Dining Vests that we gave to them. The staff member we talked with, Paul, had actually stitched their first batch and he could see that these are stronger and will hopefully survive longer. |
CHILDREN'S & YOUTH MINISTRY: "I Spy" Beginning on July 4, 2021, on Sunday mornings this summer, the church kids who attend the Zoom Family Worship are playing "I Spy" each week with the church kids who are attending worship in person. This project keeps our virtual and in-person community together. "I spy, with my little eye something.... green!" |
Our Whole Lives (OWL)
The week of June 21-25, 2021, church youth participated in
the Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality Education Program for 8th graders.
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TASK FORCE: Carpet Patterns On January 22, 2021, after much deliberation, the carpet patterns for the new building were selected by the Building Task Force design team: Josh Socolar, Anna Waller, Maggie Scarborough, Tracy Kuhlman and our valued in-house consultants Marion Hirsch and Briton Bieze. Photo by Brad Kosiba. |
WORSHIP MINISTRY: 2020 Holiday Service Project The Worship Ministry's Annual Service Project usually accompanies the Greening and the Chili Supper. This year, they got creative and, combined with some physical distancing and good planning, the Worship Ministry, Quuilters and Community Clickers and others made gifts and cards, while still others purchased pajamas, gloves, socks, chocolate bars and more for the 14 women at HomeStart. |
CHILDREN'S MINISTRY TEAM: Stuffie Sleepover Auction Event On Saturday, November 14, 2020, Children's Ministry hosted a "stuffed animal sleepover" at church. Each winner dropped off one special stuffed animal to represent one special child at this sleepover. The stuffed animals drank coffee (!), played Sardines, lit the chalice and ran on the pews (shoes off, of course). |
Cider & Donut Social(-Distancing)
On November 8, 2020, twenty-five members of our congregation met outdoors and enjoyed fun, fellowship and cider & donuts from a safe distance.
Phone Banking for the NAACP and Reclaim our Vote
On September 3, 2020, twenty-five church members made over 80 hours of phone calls to voter access-
you can join here!
Hogwarts On The Hill
On August 8, 2020, over 70 adults, youth & children of The Community Church held a magical, community building event: the first hybrid (online and socially-distanced in-person) Hogwarts on the Hill!
On August 7, 2020, in collaboration with The North Carolina NAACP and Reclaim the Vote, over 46 members and church friends wrote over 2,000 postcards to help mobilize voters in August.
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TASK FORCE: Weekly Construction Review Conference On July 28, 2020, Contractor representatives met with Brad Kosiba, Ernie Wilkes and Maggie Scarborough of The Community Church Construction Task Force, as well as Andrew Wright and Bill Poteat of The Community Church Finance Task Force to discuss details of the Building Project, which includes more disability access. Gail McKinley (photo) |
The Immigrant Justice Initiative at The Community Church welcomed a family of asylum-seekers to live in the Manse on July 21, 2020, joining Yeimy. Oscar, Gaby and their children Jeziel, 8, and Angelina, 4, had been living with a former member of our church at her home in Chatham County for the past year. As a welcome gift to the new family, we presented them with quilts from the qUUilters. Church members also donated bicycles, and Mike Gilliom made sure they were road-ready with all the needed accessories. (Photo by Mike)
On July 8, 2020, children participated in the first meeting of the Antiracist Picture Book Club - a weekly storytime and small group discussion that centers BIPOC authors and illustrators and features Black and Brown lives and voices. This week, we read Earth Mother (by Ellen Jackson illustrated by Leo and Diane Dillon), a beautiful story about our interconnectedness. Next on the reading list is, A is for Activist (written and illustrated by Innosanto Nagara).
For more information about the Antiracist Picture Book Club or programming for children and youth, contact Marion Hirsch here.
On July 8, 2020, children participated in the first meeting of the Antiracist Picture Book Club - a weekly storytime and small group discussion that centers BIPOC authors and illustrators and features Black and Brown lives and voices. This week, we read Earth Mother (by Ellen Jackson illustrated by Leo and Diane Dillon), a beautiful story about our interconnectedness. Next on the reading list is, A is for Activist (written and illustrated by Innosanto Nagara).
For more information about the Antiracist Picture Book Club or programming for children and youth, contact Marion Hirsch here.
BUILDING PROJECT: GROUNDBREAKING! Ground-breaking for construction of the new building was officially launched on June 23, 22020, with Rev. Thom posing for traditional photo-op at the excavator's helm. See weekly updates via the Building Project webpages here. |
COMMUNITY SERVICE MINISTRY: INTER-FAITH COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL SERVICES (IFC) April 30, 2020: The Community Church is a founding church of the Inter-Faith Council for Social Services (IFC), and every month, volunteers from our church feed the hungry. Here, Jami Alexander (wearing a mask made by church member Susie Hafer) is bringing a carload of delicious pastries for IFC's Community House, a 24-hour residential facility for homeless men. Learn more about IFC here. Learn how to help here. |
On January 20, 2020, over twenty members of our congregation enjoyed An Evening of Jazz with Erich Lieth at the home of Jeanne Lemkau
The music was great. Participants couldn't sit still!
THE COMMUNITY CHURCH CHOIR: SINGS AT THE CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO INTERFAITH MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY SERVICE On January 20, 2020, more than 40 members of the Community Church attended this inspirational event at First Baptist Church, including 6th- and 7th-graders in the Neighboring Faiths Class with their families. |
GECKOS (and a salamander!) AT CHURCH!
Thanks to Cassidy Sexton for sharing her geckos and salamander on 1/12 during Religious Education. She shared her expertise and her critters with more than 50 children on Sunday morning.
After Children's Family Dinner on Saturday, January 11,
over 65 people of all ages enjoyed professional storyteller & Community Church Member, Donna Washington, regaling them with stories.
YUUle Ball 2020
Over 160 witches and wizards danced the night away at the YUUle Ball
on January 3, 2020. More than $1000 was raised to Close the Gap.
December 10, 2019 - celebrating the graduation of co-chair Rachel Raasch and the end of classes.
On Saturday December 7, 2019, twenty-one church children at "Nifty Gifty"
make and wrap homemade gifts for family and friends for the holiday season.
On November 17, 2019, about 25 church member households brought items n longer usable to be recycled, as well as the music, concert and buildings and grounds committees which cleared large amount of items from stage right and a storage shed. Items were picked up by Anything With a Plug, a Raleigh-based company which recycles items in an environmentally sound way, and locally whenever possible.
On October 27, 2019, nine young adults of The UU Campus Fellowship at UNC celebrated their annual "Friendsgiving" Dinner with turkey and all the traditional fixings.
10/26/19: Enjoying a banner year for falling leaves and falling water!
The UU Campus Fellowship at UNC-CH celebrates the beginning of fall break
with a camping trip at Jordan Lake on October 12th, 2019.
On Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019, the Community Service Ministry hosted a brunch to benefit the Center for Education and Leadership (Workers Center) at El Centro Hispano. All proceeds will go towards helping to fund a storage shed where the workers can safely store their tools and equipment. Approximately 70 folks enjoyed delicious buffet dishes prepared by church members and were serenaded by the music of Erich Lieth and Pablo Valencia of Saludos Compay.
Award-winning storyteller, Donna Washington, led the WomenCircle program on Friday, September 6, 2019, telling stories of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Participants then broke into pairs to tell stories about significant women in their lives. Thirty women with ages spanning seven decades took part in the program.
On Saturday, August 31, 2019, members from our church's choral ensembles, under the direction of Glenn Mehrbach, sang The Star Spangled Banner before the Durham Bulls game. Approximately 40 members of community rooted for the home team and enjoyed the post-game fireworks display.
On July 19-20, 2019, we held our third Hogwarts on the Hill camp. Nearly 50 children and youth as well dozens of adult volunteers participated. The Community Church was transformed into Hogwarts and our young wizards-in-training practiced spells, potions, care of magical creatures, and much more. In the photo the sorting hat determines the house assignment of one of our young wizards. (Photo credit: Jon van Ark.)
On Sunday, April 14, nearly 20 members of The Community Church attended the
"White Allies Toolkit" workshop, led by Dr. David Campt at Kehillah Synagogue.
Those attending learned practical skills for challenging and disrupting racism
and having better conversations about racism. The Community Church was proud
to co-host this event.
March 30: members after a Better Angels Skills Workshop (Talking Across the Political Divide) at Croasdaile Village retirement community, where there is significant tension between liberal and conservative residents. The stars were added by a resident to express appreciation! 23 Croasdaile residents attended!
On March 2, over 250 members of The Community Church congregation gathered to serve the greater community by participating in over 14 Service Projects. From building "Little Free Libraries" to helping to feed food-insecure children in Chapel Hill and Carrboro, and more - the people of our church worked together
to serve others. It was a huge success!
Friendships across the generations are formed at the annual bUUddy breakfast. Church children and adults are paired and correspond for weeks and then it programs culminates in a fun morning of shared breakfast and activities.
On January 31, the Sanctuary for Dialogue ministry hosted a watch party for David Blankenhorn's Better Angels State of the Union address.
Sanctuary for Dialogue partners with Better Angels to facilitate community conversations, in the Triangle and beyond, designed to de-polarize Americans.
On Monday, January 21, the Community Church Choir sang at the Chapel Hill/Carrboro NAACP's annual service celebrating the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Community Church's participation in the service
is a long-standing tradition.
On January 13th, Church children learned about The Community Church's 23-year participation in Habitat for Humanity. The youth learned about how the homes are built and painted welcoming messages on insulation baffles
for our 23rd Habitat build!
- Many thanks from ECO! About 80 households participated and extra volunteers appeared to help both Sunday and Monday, 1/13 & 1/4/19. Everyone was of such good spirit. Some useable items were donated. Also, Rachel repurposed an item for the office, building/ground crew rescued a cart to use and youth ministry scavenged a few items for a "maker" activity. The recycler was happy with the load and all of us can be proud of keeping so much out of landfills. Well done, everyone!
On December 17, leaders of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro NAACP were sworn in during a ceremony led by Senator Valerie Foushee.
Our minister, Rev. Thom Belote, who chairs the Religious Affairs Committee, took part in the ceremony, joining the Executive Committee of the local NAACP chapter.
The Religious Affairs Committee is currently hard at work planning the annual MLK service.
The annual Greening of the Church, held on December 1,was a time of joyful community.
Activities included decorating the Sanctuary for the holidays, wreath-making,
a delicious chili supper with cornbread and eggnog, and a lively singing of Christmas carols led by our fabulous 16-piece ukulele ensemble, the UUkes!
The Greening again included a Service Project: the creation of 14 bountiful baskets
with care items and holiday treats for residents of the local women's shelter
as well as 8 bags overflowing with warm winter clothing.
As we mark our 15th anniversary as an LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation, our church hosted Let's Talk Transon Thursday, November 29. Ames Simmons, Director of Transgender Policy at Equality NC, spoke, providing an overview of gender identity and answering questions about how to be more welcoming and combat transphobia.
On November 22, Members of The Community Church,
along with family and friends, celebrated Thanksgiving 2018 with a huge array of food and fellowship. Folks who have been part of this community for years, UUs from out of town - all had a festive time. And, all helped clean up afterward!
On November 10-11, a group from North Carolina, including Rev. Thom and two Members of The Community Church, traveled to Lumpkin, Georgia, to visit immigrants detained at the Stewart Detention Center. We worked in conjunction with El Refugio, an organization providing support to detainees and their families. The trip was organized through FaithAction House in Greensboro.
On Sunday, November 4, The Community Church of Chapel Hill held a Blessing of the Animals Service. People of all ages were joined in the service by lots and lots of dogs and a couple of intrepid cats. The service celebrated our connection with our animal companions and a few dogs delighted everyone by howling along to the hymns.
On the weekend of October 19-21, Community Church hosted a busload of UUs from the Reeb Project of All Souls Unitarian Church in Washington D.C. Our guests were paired with members of our church, trained by You Can Vote and Democracy NC, and sent all around the Triangle to help with voter education and get-out-the-vote efforts. Countless volunteers helped make the weekend a success with home hospitality and providing a potluck dinner on Saturday evening.
uukes perform at hurricane shelter
When a member of the UUkes, the ukulele ensemble
hosted at The Community Church, learned that dozens of evacuees from Hurricane Florence were being sheltered at the Bill and Ida Friday Center in Chapel Hill, she sprang to action. On Monday, September 24, the 26-piece uke ensemble played a show for the people in the shelter. |
Community Church members turned out on Friday, May 25 to dedicate the Tengono family's completed Habitat house. Our QUUilters presented the family with two lap quilts. As a part of Building Hope we have partnered with other faith communities to build a house each year for the past 22 years. This year's house was made possible in part by the Joe Farinola Memorial Fund and we dedicated our work on the house to his memory.
volunteering for table
On Tuesday, May 5, members of the Community Service Ministry joined with others in filling bags at TABLE with shelf stable foods for children at risk for hunger in Carrboro/Chapel Hill schools. Later in the week another shift added fresh fruits and produce to the bags which were then delivered to these kids at their schools and after school programs. TABLE is currently serving over 650 children weekly!
2018 music gala
On April 21 Community Church held our annual Music Gala, titled "Big BlUUe Marble: the earth in song." Favorites like Danny Gotham, the UUkes, both of our adult choirs, and many others performed, with music spanning styles and generations, including original songs and arrangement created specifically for the occasion. Funds raised will go towards music and sound equipment upgrades, including a new digital hearing assist system.
Musicians Visit SECU House
A group of musicians from the Community Church visited SECU House on April 16. SECU House provides comfort, hospitality, and respite for patients and their families who travel long distances to receive treatment at UNC Medical Center. Our church shared the gift of music with the residents there.
The Sanctuary & Immigrant Support Ministry hosted a delicious and successful fundraising dinner at the church on Saturday, April 14. A Syrian refugee family catered the dinner and speakers talked about the services both available and needed within the refugee community. Funds raised went to compensate the caterer and support an organization that works with refugees in the Triangle.
March for Our Lives
Dozens of young people and adults from the Community Church traveled to Raleigh joining thousands from across the state on Saturday, March 24 to attend the March for Our Lives and to call for meaningful and responsible public policy to address gun violence in our nation.
Actor Joey Collins at Community ChurchOn Sunday, March 4, actor Joey Collins - starring in Playmaker's productions of The Christians and Tartuffe - joined us for worship at The Community Church. He performed a scene from The Christians and also told a story about how he came to question a belief in hell. You can hear the sermon here.
Campaign Kicks Off with Dinner and a ShowA large crowd attended a church party on Saturday, February 25 to kick off the combined Capital Campaign and Annual Pledge Drive. Festivities included a taco bar prepared by our high school youth, homemade donuts for dessert, and a wonderful talent show featuring talented church musicians of all ages as well as a magic performance
Campus Ministry Gives Us Hope
On Sunday, February 18 the UU Campus Ministry at UNC led our worship service. The service included three mini-sermons by members of the Campus Ministry as well as poems, meditations, and readings. The service ended with a joyous singing of "Tomorrow" from the musical "Annie." The Campus Ministry meets weekly in the Student Union during the school year and the Campus Ministry service is an annual highlight.
Community Church Choir Sings at PlaymakersOn February 17 and 18, the Community Choir Choir, under the direction of Glenn Mehrbach, appeared in Playmakers' production of "The Christians." The play tells the story of a schism that occurs in a church when the senior pastor becomes a Universalist. Rev. Thom will preach about the play on March 4.
Community Church Shows Up for HKonJ
Dozens of members of the Community Church braved the rain in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, February 10 to attend the Forward Together Movement's annual Historic Thousands of Jones Street (HKonJ) march and rally. The Forward Together Movement articulates and promotes a moral vision for our state that includes voting rights, care for the poor, public education, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, and environmental justice.
rehearsing for "the Christians"
The Community Church Choir, under the direction of Glenn Mehrbach, will be one of six local choirs appearing on stage for Playmakers' production of "The Christians." "The Christians" portrays a church conflict that erupts when the pastor tells the congregation that he no longer believes in Hell. Our choir will be singing in the show on February 17 and 18 and on March 8-10.
Rev. Paul Davis Guest Preaches at Community ChurchRev. Paul Davis, minister at the Congregational UCC Church in Greensboro, was our guest preacher on Sunday, January 21. Rev. Davis preached about his congregation's experience welcoming Minerva Cisneros Garcia and Oscar Canales into sanctuary. You can hear the whole sermon here.
Community Church Shows Up For Annual MLK ServiceNearly 50 members of the Community Church were present for the Chapel Hill / Carrboro NAACP's annual service commemorating the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. held at First Baptist Church on January 15. Our Community Church Choir with Glenn Mehrbach directing contributed a choral anthem during the service. And, our own Rev. Thom, serving as the chair of the Religious Affairs Committee of the NAACP took a leading role in planning the service.
43,851 Reasons to be Grateful |
The Share the Plate program, which schedules Sunday collections for local organizations that reflect our values, is proud to announce that a record $43,851 was raised in 2017. These funds went to organizations like Planned Parenthood, the Interfaith Council for Social Services, El Centro Hispano, and many others. Click here to see a list of all of the organizations we supported in 2017. We are amazed by our church's extraordinary generosity!
Holiday Fun at Grinch Night
A large crowd of children, their families, and others feeling young at heart enjoyed Grinch Night, an annual tradition at Community Church, on Friday, December 15. Scott Provan reprised his role as the Grinch offering an enthusiastic reading of the classic story by Dr. Seuss. Following the performance the congregation joined in singing Christmas carols.
Community Service Ministry Takes Habitat to LunchOn Saturday, December 16, our church's Community Service Ministry provided lunch to the team working at the Habitat for Humanity site in Efland. Our church is part of an interfaith team working to construct a home for Gerardo and Ilail Tengono. This year's project is extra special as it is being built to honor the memory of Joe Farinola.
Rev. Thom Attends National Interfaith Clergy WitnessOn December 14, the fifth anniversary of the shootings at Sandy Hook elementary in which 20 children and 6 adults were killed, Rev. Thom Belote joined religious leaders from around the country at the National Interfaith Clergy Witness outside the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA. The witness mourned the tens of thousands firearm deaths each year in the United States and issued a moral call for reasonable and responsible gun laws in our country.
Campus Ministry Celebrates LDOCThe Unitarian Universalist Campus Fellowship at UNC celebrated the last day of class by going out to an Indian restaurant on Franklin Street. After dinner the church presented each of the students a care package for finals. These care packages, filled with snacks and joyful items, were created by one of the covenant groups in our church.
Holiday Baskets
Holiday Fun at the Greening
Nearly 150 members of our church community took part in the annual Greening of the Church held on December 2. After decking the halls of the church, creating wreaths, and assembling baskets for HomeStart we enjoyed a chili supper, sipped egg nog, and our UU Ukelele group led us in singing our favorite Christmas songs.
Community Church Talks Turkey
On November 20 and 21, Sanctuary for Dialogue hosted two evenings of trainings to help people to learn how to have better conversations across the political divide. Utilizing material from Better Angels, these "Let's Talk Turkey" workshops helped participants learn how to listen better and be more effective at articulating their own values.
Community Church Performs "Oliver!"A cast and crew spanning the generations produced and performed the musical Oliver! at the Community Church of Chapel Hill on November 17-19. In response to the themes of poverty and abuse included in the musical, we raised over $1,000 for the Durham Crisis Response Center over the weekend. Beginning 10 years ago with our first church musical, we have produced a musical every other year.
Services Auction a Super SuccessThere was an abundance of Fellowship, Fun-raising, and Fund-raising at our annual Service Auction on Saturday, November 11. (Left) Attendees making their bids during the silent auction. (Right) Attendees pose with our fabulous auctioneer, Donna "The Peacock" Washington. Thanks to Susan and Don Blanchard, our Auction co-chairs for organizing our largest fellowship and fundraising event of the year!
Community Church Sends Team to "Better Angels" TrainingEight members of our church's Sanctuary for Dialogue team attended a two-day training with the organization "Better Angels" on November 10-11. Better Angels is an organization seeking to de-polarize Americans by training them in how to talk and listen across the blue-red divide.
Eric Bannan Plays Benefit ConcertOn November 3 church member Eric Bannan performed a concert celebrating the release of his new album "You Are Welcome Here." Funds raised from the concert went to support the Movement to End Racism and Islamophobia (MERI.) Concertgoers enjoyed two sets of music from Eric and at intermission enjoyed sweet and savory fare catered by Hana Jabr, a Syrian refugee living in our community.
Record Share the Plate for Puerto RicoOur Share the Plate on Sunday, October 29 raised funds for disaster relief in Puerto Rico following Hurricanes Irma and Maria. That morning our special offering raised $3,145 for Unidos Por Puerto Rico / United for Puerto Rico, our largest Share the Plate collection to date. (Our Share the Plate program donates our Sunday collection twice a month to organizations that support our values. Each year we raise about $35,000 through Share the Plate.)
Community Church Holds Labyrinth Walking ClassMembers of Rev. Thom's Labyrinth Walking class walked local labyrinths on three consecutive Sunday afternoons this fall. The class visited labyrinths at UNC Hospital, Carol Woods, and Camp New Hope. Click the link below to view other offerings through the Spiritual Exploration for Adults program.
Shelter Neck Retreat for Middle SchoolersThe Middle School Youth Group enjoyed a weekend retreat at Shelter Neck from 9/22-9/24. Highlights included trips to the beach and aquarium, a workshop on non-violent communication, Smoreos (S'mores + Oreos), and a magical creature costume contest (pictured.) Shelter Neck is a Universalist-owned retreat center near the NC coast.
Community Church
Annual Picnic was Fun, Fun, Fun
One of the highlights at the beginning of every the church year is our annual All-Church Picnic, held at Camp New Hope on September 9. Participants enjoyed a potluck meal, played games including the popular "Tug-o-War," and finished the evening with a campfire.
UU Campus Fellowship @UNC
With the start of a new semester the Unitarian Universalist Campus Fellowship is back and resuming weekly meetings. The Community Church has sponsored a campus ministry program on UNC's campus since 1998. UNC students are invited to join us each Wednesday during the semester at 5:00 in a meeting room in the Student Union. Fellowship plus bread, hummus, and cookies every week!
Welcome Blanket
On Sunday, August 20, the Community Clickers displayed the blanket their group created as part of the Welcome Blanket project. The blanket will be sent to the Smart Museum in Chicago where it will be displayed this fall and then gifted to a newly arrived immigrant family.
Sanctuary & Refugee Support Ministry
This photo is from the August 17 meeting of the Sanctuary & Refugee Support Ministry. This group, formed last spring, has been building momentum by providing direct service to Latino immigrants and refugees from Syria, partnering with other congregations and organizations, and attending events related to Sanctuary and immigration justice.
Hogwarts on the Hill
August 11-13, 2017, over 50 children, youth and adults gathered to create a Hogwarts mini-camp. Pictured here is Headmistress Selden Holt presiding over the opening feast. There was sorting, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Quidditch skills, wand making, butterbeer and fun for all.
Community Church Choir at Durham Bulls
On Thursday, August 10, the Community Church Choir performed the National Anthem at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park and then stuck around to root, root root, for the Bulls! The Community Church Choir rehearses every Wednesday evening in the Straley Room. Contact Glenn Mehrbach for more information.
Race Matters
Five youth from the congregation were participants in the Race Matters Training, August 5-6 at Carrboro High School. The Racial Equity Institute workshop was sponsored by Orange Organizing Against Racism. The Community Church, in addition to sending youth, also helped organize and sponsor this event.
Tim Tyson Visits
The Community Church