Committee on Ministry

The Committee on Ministry (CoM) is responsible to the Board of Trustees and to the Minister(s) for supporting and monitoring the health of the church-wide ministry.
Members of the Committee on Ministry
The Committee on Ministry was created by the Board for the purpose of monitoring the health and progress of the various ministries of the church. Another role of the committee is to support the minister by helping him achieve his goals, and to report to the Board our assessment of progress toward those goals. In addition, the committee will facilitate dialogue and right relations between the minister and the congregation.
We want to encourage informal ways of communicating with the minister, and we are developing additional formal ways of dealing with serious issues that may come up, since the time to work on procedures to address potentially hard problems is when the church is healthy and positively productive. The Committee on Ministry is intended to be an instrument to assure the success of the ministry of our church. We expect our annual reports to answer the question, "Is the church meeting its mission, and how is the minister helping?"
Our purview extends to working in conjunction with the Strategic Management Team to conduct and report to the Board and congregation an annual review of the ministries of the church. We have not done such a review before, and we are in the process of developing procedures to carry out this new task set for us by the Board. We intend to work transparently in all matters that do not require confidentiality.
The six members of the committee serve staggered 3-year terms. Please feel free to speak to any of us - or phone or e-mail, as you prefer.
The Committee on Ministry also developed the following:
Congregational Covenant
Procedure for Addressing Disruptive Behavior
Conflict Mediation Procedure
Conflict Resolution Brochure
The Committee on Ministry (CoM) is responsible to the Board of Trustees and to the Minister(s) for supporting and monitoring the health of the church-wide ministry.
Members of the Committee on Ministry
- Susan Blanchard: 2023-2024
- Vacant: 2023-2024
- Bonnie Gilliom: 2023-2025
- Vacant: 2023-2025
- Adam Rosen: 2023-2026
- Kari Andrade: 2023-2026
The Committee on Ministry was created by the Board for the purpose of monitoring the health and progress of the various ministries of the church. Another role of the committee is to support the minister by helping him achieve his goals, and to report to the Board our assessment of progress toward those goals. In addition, the committee will facilitate dialogue and right relations between the minister and the congregation.
We want to encourage informal ways of communicating with the minister, and we are developing additional formal ways of dealing with serious issues that may come up, since the time to work on procedures to address potentially hard problems is when the church is healthy and positively productive. The Committee on Ministry is intended to be an instrument to assure the success of the ministry of our church. We expect our annual reports to answer the question, "Is the church meeting its mission, and how is the minister helping?"
Our purview extends to working in conjunction with the Strategic Management Team to conduct and report to the Board and congregation an annual review of the ministries of the church. We have not done such a review before, and we are in the process of developing procedures to carry out this new task set for us by the Board. We intend to work transparently in all matters that do not require confidentiality.
The six members of the committee serve staggered 3-year terms. Please feel free to speak to any of us - or phone or e-mail, as you prefer.
The Committee on Ministry also developed the following:
Congregational Covenant
Procedure for Addressing Disruptive Behavior
Conflict Mediation Procedure
Conflict Resolution Brochure