Campus Fellowship at UNC

The Community Church of Chapel Hill sponsors a thriving Unitarian Universalist Fellowship that meets on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The campus ministry group has been meeting regularly for over fifteen years and is an officially registered student organization of the University. Currently it has about a dozen regular members, mostly undergraduate students. In addition to weekly meetings, the group has a retreat every semester as well as several social events.
A number of the students attend weekly Sunday services at the church which is close to the campus. Some students work in the church's childcare program. Some students have chosen to become members of the church as well. The Campus Ministry group leads the worship service at the Community Church annually, usually in February. Most recent sermons by the group from February 2021 are HERE.
Meeting Time and Location:
The UNC UU Campus Fellowship meets on Wednesdays from 6-7 PM in Room 2502 of the Student Union Aug-April whenever the University is in session. All are welcome.
Format of Meetings:
The weekly meetings typically begin with an informal social time with food. Then the meetings open with chalice lighting and sharing of joys and concerns. The program varies from week to week based on the interests of the group. Often the group discussion focuses on spiritual and ethical topics. Other weeks the group plays games. The focus is on building a caring community where members are known and accepted.
The group is lead by collaboratively by student co-leaders with Marion Hirsch, the Director of Lifespan Religious Education from the Community Church. Marion Hirsch has been the Coordinator of the Campus Ministry since 2003. One of the strengths of the group is excellent student leadership combined with consistent long-term support from the church.
2024-25 Student Leaders: Trey Anthony, Joy Frost
Coordinator: Marion Hirsch, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Faculty Adviser: Patricia Sullivan (member of the Community Church of Chapel Hill and UNC Professor)
The group communicates by list-serve which announces the weekly meetings and occasional outings. To join the list-serve contact Marion Hirsch at hirsch.communitychurch @
A number of the students attend weekly Sunday services at the church which is close to the campus. Some students work in the church's childcare program. Some students have chosen to become members of the church as well. The Campus Ministry group leads the worship service at the Community Church annually, usually in February. Most recent sermons by the group from February 2021 are HERE.
Meeting Time and Location:
The UNC UU Campus Fellowship meets on Wednesdays from 6-7 PM in Room 2502 of the Student Union Aug-April whenever the University is in session. All are welcome.
Format of Meetings:
The weekly meetings typically begin with an informal social time with food. Then the meetings open with chalice lighting and sharing of joys and concerns. The program varies from week to week based on the interests of the group. Often the group discussion focuses on spiritual and ethical topics. Other weeks the group plays games. The focus is on building a caring community where members are known and accepted.
The group is lead by collaboratively by student co-leaders with Marion Hirsch, the Director of Lifespan Religious Education from the Community Church. Marion Hirsch has been the Coordinator of the Campus Ministry since 2003. One of the strengths of the group is excellent student leadership combined with consistent long-term support from the church.
2024-25 Student Leaders: Trey Anthony, Joy Frost
Coordinator: Marion Hirsch, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Faculty Adviser: Patricia Sullivan (member of the Community Church of Chapel Hill and UNC Professor)
The group communicates by list-serve which announces the weekly meetings and occasional outings. To join the list-serve contact Marion Hirsch at hirsch.communitychurch @