You Can Help This Project Succeed by
Volunteering to help one of the Task Forces
Volunteering to help one of the Task Forces
The Board of Trustees has established an overall Task Force for the building project. It currently comprises four component Task Forces, listed below. Click on a Task Force name to see the charter describing its assigned duties.
- The Building Construction Task Force (BCTF), co-chaired by Brad Kosiba and Josh Socolar.
- The Communications Task Force (CTF), co-chaired by Sindy Barker and Gail McKinley.
- The Finance Task Force (FTF), chaired by Andrew Wright.
- The Gap Strategy Task Force (GSTF), co-chaired by Andy Hencke and Bonnie Nelson.
If you would like more information about the assistance that any one or more of these Task Forces could use in the months ahead, please send us an email.