Ways Each of Us Can Help This Project Succeed
The Task Force co-chairs have worked hard to discern the congregation’s priorities, and to organize the fundamentals of a conceptual design that will meet those priorities within a feasible funding level. Getting through the next big step, though, will need a little more involvement by a lot more of us. The next few months will be a grand opportunity to engage with each other and feel the glow of interesting ideas, good discussion and exciting results.
The level of your involvement should be commensurate with your ability to offer some personal time, of course, but also to your personal feeling of support for the project’s objectives and commitment to our church’s mission.
Which describes you?
[ click here ] I’m not sure I could commit to volunteering any time soon, but I am interested in learning what this project will do for our church, and I might like to ask some questions or offer some opinions.
[ click here ] I could volunteer a small amount of time for a one-shot job between June and October, 2018.
[ click here ] I would like to know more about how I could help one of the project development task forces.