WORSHIP ON SUNDAY MORNINGSWorship Services at 9:30 AM & 11:15 AM
February 9 "Religious Freedom, Human Freedom, Soul Freedom" Rev. Thom Belote, preaching There is a paradox of freedom that says that placing restrictions on our freedom actually allows us to have greater freedom. (An example of this is fact-checkers that remove disinformation from social media.) At a time when many of our most cherished freedoms are under threat, we’ll explore how to promote freedom in our lives and communities. MUSIC NOTES: This week, the choir will sing a piece called “Mantra,” with lyrics that attempt to offer good advice for these trying times. Fair warning: the congregation will be asked to add their voices to the affirmations. Also, a vocal quartet will sing a classic by Paul Simon, which, unfortunately, retains continued relevance. For Gathering Music, Josh Socolar will play jazz piano, perhaps the perfect illustration of the balance between freedom and structure.
Scams targeting religious communities are increasing. Scammers create fake email addresses (and sometimes phone numbers) impersonating the minister, staff members or lay leaders and contact congregants -- asking for contact information, login credentials, the Directory, etc., or to buy gift cards. Rachel Rose (Directory, contact info) and Franklin Hirsch (Finances) are the best people to help with these requests - they will always have the latest versions of our secure documents and are happy to help. If you receive a scam email, phone call or text, please report and delete it. If you're unsure, please contact Rev. Thom, Rachel Rose or Franklin Hirsch and see if the communication is legitimate. QUICK LINKSMAKE A PLEDGE
Side With Love 1/18/2025: Through a grant from UU Justice NC, Side With Love was able to bring Drag Story Hour to The Community Church. More than 30 people enjoyed an hour of stories told by drag performer Stormie Daie. |
The 2025-'26 Annual Pledge Drive began February 1! Your pledge is a promise to financially support the 2025-2026 church year starting July 1. Pledges guide staff in creating a budget for next year's services and programming. Pledging information will be available after each service at the Stewardship table and online. Your generosity supports our church, each other, and the wider community. Questions? Bonnie Crotty Nelson, Stewardship Chair (919-724-3926). ![]() FEBRUARY 8, 7:30 PM
BLUEGRASS AMBASSADORS, THE HENHOUSE PROWLERS RETURN TO COMMUNITY CHURCH CONCERTS! In 2013, longtime Chicago bluegrass powerhouse Henhouse Prowlers launched a not-for-profit mission inspired by a unique vision of music education. Now, several State Department tours, 25+ countries and thousands of unique connections later, these Bluegrass Ambassadors are dissolving boundaries of culture, country and communication on a global scale by teaching the universal language of music. BUY TICKETS / LEARN MORE VOLUNTEER ASK QUESTIONS DURING SUNDAY SOCIALS:
DAY OF SERVICE 2025: AT THE MOVIES! Mark your calendars for March 1 - the 2025 Day of Service. This is one of our church's most important opportunities to collectively contribute volunteer efforts to improve our community. If you are the leader of a church ministry and want to submit a "movie" project for the Day of Service, please email Louise Turrentine or Becky Wilkes. The deadline for project submissions is February 7! Stay tuned for future 'At the Movies' updates! FEBRUARY 7 -- 20s AND 30s GAME NIGHT The 20s and 30s Game Night for February will be held on Friday, February 7 from 6-9 PM. Each month we get together, share the cost of pizza, and play board games. To learn more and to contribute money for pizza, please contact Laura Weiser. SPIRITUAL EXPLORATION FOR ADULTS -- DEPOLARIZING OURSELVES February 8, 10-11:30 AM led by Laura Gilliom & Rick Szymanski; Braver Angels has created the Depolarizing Ourselves Workshop to reframe how we view the other side in the face of disagreements around politics as we work to hold to the first UU Principle of inherent worth and dignity of every person. This requires acknowledging how we often attribute negative intent and motivations to the other side without first trying to understand them. Contact Laura Gilliom with questions. Register for the class. PUPPETEERS NEEDED Our next Multigenerational worship service, on February 16, will feature Frog & Toad acting out one of Arnold Lobel's stories. Rev. Thom is recruiting three actors to make this performance happen. Teens and adults welcome. Interested? Contact Rev. Thom. CHALICE CIRCLES IN 2025 -- NEW FORMAT Chalice Circles will be offered 2x month, on the 3rd Thursdays and the 4th Saturdays. Chalice Circles will begin with Chalice lighting and a reading. Then, we will break out into small groups for an hour or so before returning to the large group for a closing. Chalice Circles are an opportunity for connection that emphasizes the practices of deep listening and vulnerable sharing around a monthly spiritual topic. Topics for the first three months: Thursday, February 20 and Saturday, February 22: Ancestors -- REGISTER Thursday, March 20 and Saturday, March 22: Peace -- REGISTER MEMORIAL TASK FORCE The newly formed Memorial Task Force is seeking new members interested in helping us with our mandate to study and make recommendations to the Board and Members on how best to memorialize members who have passed, including possible improvements to Memorial Rock. If you want to be included, please contact Nicole Graysmith. |
We are a congregation that has historically stood for the civil rights of all people, especially those affected by racism and homophobia. We are a Welcoming Congregation, celebrating and affirming the active presence in our congregation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual members and friends and their families. We are actively engaged in dialogue about how to be a more racially diverse, multicultural, anti-oppressive congregation. |
SUNDAY PARKING: Please honor the parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities and limited mobility at the front of the church, as well as the spaces reserved for the Auction Winners. We encourage folks to carpool and/or park offsite, if at all possible. Parking is available at The Community Church, as well as alternate parking options. See a map here. Please note: Parking is not allowed at the Kehillah across the street. WEEKDAY PARKING (for church functions): The Main Lot is fully rented; please use the small Front Lot directly in front of the church, the wooded Pine Lot along Purefoy Road, or in the Rear Lot behind the church.