"Resilience" |
Family Worship |
Virtual Worship Service
Community Church of Chapel Hill, Unitarian Universalist “Resilience” Reverend Thom Belote, Minister Bill Rote, Worship Associate ********************* Opening Screen - 00:00 Words of Welcome (Bill Rote) - 00:06 Within These Walls for the Annual Pledge Drive (Rev. Thom Belote) - 00:35 Opening Hymn: #1021 Lean On Me - 1:58 Call To Worship (Bill Rote) - 5:28 Chalice Lighting (Bill Rote) - 7:07 Musical Presentation - “Put a Little Love in Your Heart" by Jackie DeShannon, Jimmy Holiday and Randy Myers (UUkes) - 8:08 New Member Recognition: (Rachel Rose) - 10:57 Hymn: “Resilience” by Abbie Betinis - 13:42 Sermon: “Resilience” (Rev. Thom Belote) - 15:28 Living Our Faith Slide Show (Rev. Thom Belote) - 30:38 Musical Presentation: “Hand in Hand” by Melissa Monforti (Members of All Community Church Choirs, with soloist Jane Provan, and the In House Band) - 33:12 Joys & Sorrows (Rev. Thom Belote) - 37:23 Closing Hymn: #1017 Building a New Way - 41:09 Extinguishing the Chalice (Rev. Thom Belote) - 43:51 Closing Song: Shalom - 44:31 ********************* Thanks to Erich Lieth arranging “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” for the UUkes. Thanks to the UUkes: Erich Lieth, George Thompson, Linda Thompson, Charles Humble, Danny Gotham, Joann Haggerty, Kathy Putnam, Melva Fager Okun and Carol Palm, Pat Laemont and Valerie Vickers. Thanks to the members of all the Community Church Choirs who sang either in “Resilience” or “Hand in Hand” today: “Hand in Hand” soloist Jane Provan, Annie Huntly, Michelle Itano, Kevin Bastian, Ben and Naomi, Brian Moyer, Bianca Rodriguez, Carol Parker, Cheryl Diegel, Deborah Klinger, Ed Steffes, Ellis Good, George Thompson, The Guidry Family, Ivy Brezina, Jane Provan, Jena Kaizen, Jessica Godreau, Joann Haggerty, Joëlle Bourjolly, Kathryn Headley, Kirsten Bergman, Larry Mason, Lex Headley, Linda Thompson, Mary LeMay, Marya Ilgen-Lieth, Paul Eskildsen, Ro Mason, Ruth Gibson, Scott Provan, Steve Day, Steve Warshaw, Susan Siplon and Wendy Jebens. Special Thanks to our “In House Band” of Danny Gotham, Glenn Mehrbach, Richard Edwards, Max Kuhlman and Jay Miller, and Special Guest, Community Church pianist Ariadna Nacianceno. Thanks also to this week’s (and March 22, 2020’s) virtual choir: Jena Kaizen, Kirsten Bergman, Deborah Klinger, Steve Day, Amy Shaub Maddox and Charly Maddox. Lastly, thanks to everyone who sang and played on “Building a New Way,” which was created for the April 26, 2020 service: Caroline Sherman, Eileen Regan, Elizabeth Cooke, Erich Lieth, Jena Kaizen, Jenny Warnasch, Josh Socolar, Dana Lundquist, Marya Ilgen-Lieth, Scott Provan, Deborah Klinger, George Thompson, Trey Kennedy, Jane Provan, Linda Thompson, Larry Mason, Amy Glazier, Amy Shaub Maddox, Charly Maddox, Joann Haggerty, Kirsten Bergman, Richard Edwards, Danny Gotham, Daniel Jones, Jay Miller and Glenn Mehrbach. |
"Commitment to Conscience & Loving Hearts"
Marion Hirsch and Kat Good OFFERTORYThis week's offering supports the programs and ministries of
The Community Church of Chapel Hill, Unitarian Universalist. If paying a pledge, please select the "Annual Stewardship 2020-2021" fund. Thank you for your generosity. Please click "Donate Here" to make your contribution.
(We are updating our Giving Portal and it will return soon.) If you have any issues with the offertory tool above please contact Dana Lundquist at [email protected]