"A Pledge for Democracy" |
FAmily Worship
Virtual Worship Service
Community Church of Chapel Hill, Unitarian Universalist “A Pledge for Democracy” Rev. Thom Belote, Minister Nathan Kosiba, Worship Associate ******************** Opening Screen - 00:00 Words of Welcome (Nathan Kosiba) - 00:08 Opening Words (Nathan Kosiba) - 00:37 Opening Hymn #1028 Fire of Commitment - 1:33 Chalice Lighting (Nathan Kosiba) - 4:27 Musical Presentation - “Eyes on the Prize” African American Folk Song (Scott Provan) - 5:09 Joys & Sorrows (Rev. Thom Belote) - 9:12 Meditative Hymn #396 I Know this Rose Will Open - 14:20 Musical Presentation - “Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution” by Tracy Chapman (Richard Edwards) - 16:15 Sermon: "A Pledge for Democracy" (Rev. Thom Belote) - 19:40 Closing Hymn: #131 Love Will Guide Us - 37:20 Extinguishing the Chalice (Rev. Thom Belote) - 39:08 Closing Song: Shalom - 39:46 ********************* Special Thanks to today’s Virtual Choir: Jena Kaizen, Jane Provan, Kirsten Bergman, Amy Glazier and Scott Provan Special Thanks also to Scott Provan and Richard Edwards for reprising their Special Music today. Both songs were originally recorded in March of this year, during the early days of our virtual services. |
"Deep Listening: Trick or Treat"
Led by Marion Hirsch and Kat Good OFFERTORYThis week's offering supports the ministries and programs of the
Community Church of Chapel Hill, Unitarian Universalist. If paying a pledge, please select the "Annual Stewardship 2020-2021" fund. Thank you for your generosity. Please click "Donate Here" to make your contribution.
(We are updating our Giving Portal and it will return soon.) If you have any issues with the offertory tool above please contact Dana Lundquist at [email protected]