"Liberal theology and evil" |
FAmily Worship
Virtual Worship Service
Community Church of Chapel Hill, Unitarian Universalist “Liberal Theology and Evil” Rev. Thom Belote, preaching Linda Thompson, Worship Associate ********************* Opening Screen - 00:00 Words of Welcome (Linda Thompson) - 00:09 Share the Plate (Rev. Thom Belote for IFC) - 00:40 Opening Hymn: #1 May Nothing Evil Cross This Door - 3:13 Call to Worship and Chalice Lighting (Linda Thompson) - 5:05 Musical Presentation: "Largo" from "Sonata for Cello and Piano in G minor, Opus 65" by Frédéric Chopin (Dorothy Wright, cello, and Glenn Mehrbach, piano) - 6:24 Joys & Sorrows: (Rev. Thom Belote) - 10:24 Meditation Hymn: #119 Once to Every Soul and Nation - 15:03 Reading by James Luther Adams (Rev. Thom Belote) - 16:40 Musical Presentation - “Choose to Bless the World” words from a poem by Rev. Rebecca Parker, music by Nick Page (Community Church Choir, Deborah Klinger, soloist) - 21:56 Sermon: "A Liberal Theology of Evil" (Rev. Thom Belote) - 27:49 Closing Hymn: #1030 Siyahamba - 44:25 Extinguishing the Chalice (Rev. Thom Belote) - 46:55 Closing Song: Shalom - 47:33 ********************* Special Thanks to today’s Virtual Choir: Lex Headley, Jena Kaizen, Ginger Long, Amy Glazier, Caroline Sherman, Brian Moyer and Larry Mason Thanks to our church pianist, Ariadna Nacianceno, as well as pianist Kristin Trangsrud, for their help with the music today. Thanks also to the Community Church Choir: Deborah Klinger (Soloist), Carol Parker (choreography), Katie Headley, Lex Headley, Jane Provan, Kirsten Bergman, Linda Thompson, Marya Ilgen-Lieth, Ro Mason, Ivy Brezina, Scott Provan, Steve Day, Steve Warshaw, Larry Mason, Josh Socolar, Brian Moyer and George Thompson Finally, for playing and singing for Hymn #1030 Siyahamba: Danny Gotham, Richard Edwards, Jay Miller, Max Kuhlman, Lex Headley, Ruth Gibson, Amy Glazier, Linda Thompson, Deborah Klinger, George Thompson and Brian Moyer. |
"Deep Listening to Music"
Led by Marion Hirsch, Kat Good, and Glenn Mehrbach OFFERTORYThis week's offering is a Share the Plate for the
Interfaith Council for Social Services (IFC). If paying a pledge, please select the "Annual Stewardship 2020-2021" fund. Thank you for your generosity. Please click "Donate Here" to make your contribution.
(We are updating our Giving Portal and it will return soon.) If you have any issues with the offertory tool above please contact Dana Lundquist at [email protected]