CAll to Worship &
HyMns#1017 Building a New Way
#1074 Turn the World Around Community Church "Virtual Choir" Kirsten Bergman, Caroline Sherman, Eileen Regan, Elizabeth Cooke, Erich Lieth, Jena Kaizen, Jenny Warnasch, Josh Socolar, Dana Lundquist, Marya Ilgen-Lieth, Scott Provan, Deborah Klinger, George Thompson, Trey Kennedy, Jane Provan, Linda Thompson, Larry Mason, Amy Glazier, Amy Shaub Maddox, Charly Maddox, Joann Haggerty, Ro Mason |
Musical Presentation
"Mother Nature's Son" by Lennon & McCartney ("Stay at Home" Band)
"Love Song to the Earth" by Paul McCartney, add. lyrics by Sean Paul (Bianca Rodriguez, vocalist, with the "Stay At Home Band”) Community Church "At Home Band" Glenn Mehrbach (Piano) Danny Gotham (Guitar) Richard Edwards (Bass Guitar) Jay Miller (Tenor Sax) Daniel Jones (Drumset) |
Sermon"Emergent Ecology"
Rev. Thom Belote |
Religious educationMarion Hirsch & Kat Good
JOys & Sorrows |
Offertory WordsShare the Plate
OKAY (Opportunities for Kids and Youth) |
ShALOMSung by Deborah Klinger
If you have any issues with the offertory tool above please contact Dana Lundquist at [email protected]
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You can also contribute on our standard donation page by clicking here.