Fall Spiritual Exploration for Adults (SEA)
Kick-Off Event
An Evening with Rev. Thom
“Politics and Religion”
Thursday September 15, 2016
Dinner 6:00 PM ($5 per person)
Vegetarian Options Provided
Talk at 7:00 PM
RSVP Here.
Sign Up for Dinner at the SEA Table After Church by Sunday September 11 or on-line by Tuesday September 13
As the political season heats up, join us for an evening with Rev. Thom to explore the intersection of religion and politics. Should there be an impermeable wall between the two? To what degree, if any, should religious organizations be involved in politics? What principles and values help us answer this question?
Kick-Off Event
An Evening with Rev. Thom
“Politics and Religion”
Thursday September 15, 2016
Dinner 6:00 PM ($5 per person)
Vegetarian Options Provided
Talk at 7:00 PM
RSVP Here.
Sign Up for Dinner at the SEA Table After Church by Sunday September 11 or on-line by Tuesday September 13
As the political season heats up, join us for an evening with Rev. Thom to explore the intersection of religion and politics. Should there be an impermeable wall between the two? To what degree, if any, should religious organizations be involved in politics? What principles and values help us answer this question?