Goals for 2015-16
Together, our financial commitments for the coming year will help us:
*** Continue our legacy of excellent lay leadership by equipping the next generation of leaders.
*** Live our values of justice and equity through increased programming within our walls and a greater presence in our community.
*** Strengthen and deepen our justice and service work.
*** Live our economic values by fairly compensating our amazing staff.
*** Practice responsible stewardship of our building by budgeting for needed maintenance.
*** Return to being a fair share congregation by increasing our denominational dues.
*** Support our fantastic programs for children and adults including worship, music, religious/spiritual education, and fellowship!
Through our generous giving, we grow Stronger Together!
Together, our financial commitments for the coming year will help us:
*** Continue our legacy of excellent lay leadership by equipping the next generation of leaders.
*** Live our values of justice and equity through increased programming within our walls and a greater presence in our community.
*** Strengthen and deepen our justice and service work.
*** Live our economic values by fairly compensating our amazing staff.
*** Practice responsible stewardship of our building by budgeting for needed maintenance.
*** Return to being a fair share congregation by increasing our denominational dues.
*** Support our fantastic programs for children and adults including worship, music, religious/spiritual education, and fellowship!
Through our generous giving, we grow Stronger Together!