Your generosity enables us to live our mission:
to nurture spiritual growth, support and care for each other, and effect change through our love for the world.
The Board’s Annual Vision of Ministry for 2014 – 2015 includes sustaining our
current programs and ministries plus Opening These New Doors:
current programs and ministries plus Opening These New Doors:
- Making our building more accessible by paving the rear lot and adding walkways and lighting
- Being a good steward of our building by hiring a paid handy-person (10 hours/month)
- Planning for expansion with preliminary architectural drawings for added space
- Developing a more welcoming “open door” by enhancing our web presence
- Increasing opportunities for adult learning and engagement by funding lay leadership training and adding audiovisual equipment
- Enhancing fellowship by supporting all church gatherings
Opening New Doors for the upcoming year will require a 10.7% increase in pledging.
Current Major Budget Items
Staff salaries and benefits 336,001
Building and grounds maintenance 83,517
Mortgage (Church + Manse) 50,400
Denominational affairs 28,151
Administration and office expenses 29,500
Program expenses 23,666
The Cost of Opening New Doors
Fair compensation for existing staff 14,800
Making our building accessible 5,000
Being a good steward of our building 4,300
Contracting preliminary architectural drawings 5,000
Enhancing web presence 4,000
Increasing opportunities for adult learning and engagement 2,000
Building fellowship 1,000
Inflation and other 8,900
Increase in Pledging Needed To Meet These Goals $45,000