March 2013
To the members and associates of the Community Church
From Becky Waibel, Board President
Inspired by diverse religious traditions and our own history of ethical engagement, we strive to nurture spiritual growth and care of each other, and effect change through our love for the world.
Our minister recently reminded us the ‘owner’ the board and congregation serve is our mission. Our mission is not just words that appear on the backside of our Sunday bulletin. It is a guiding light that directs our attention, our action and our resources. As a congregation we have envisioned a three-year plan for how we will live out our mission. Our strategic plan calls us to strengthen our current religious education, music and worship and caring ministries but also includes many new initiatives like Sanctuary for Dialogue, Sacred Grounds, Spiritual Leadership, enhanced communication and technology both within and beyond our walls, as well as strategies for becoming a more inclusive and welcoming congregation.
The Community Church of Chapel Hill, Unitarian Universalist is a strong, vibrant community of more than 350 members and associates. We are home to over 20 ministries and programs that help us grow spiritually and live out our social justice values and dreams. These ministries and programs, and the 250 of us who volunteer over 20,000 hours each year, provide us with the solid foundation we need to continue to advance our mission and strategic plan while at the same time searching for a new minister.
During this time of ministerial transition it is crucial that we build on the strengths of our lay ministry programs and leaders. To that end, our pledge goal for 2013-2014 of $450,000 covers our budget priorities of (1) appropriately funding our ministry teams (2) reinstating funds for the children, youth and music program; (3) increasing the Membership Director’s hours (2 hours/week) and (4) paying the 2013-2014 costs associated with hiring an interim and searching for a settled minister. All of these budget goals are necessary if we are to continue to advance our mission and strategic plan as well as ensuring that we have the resources required to follow the UUA recommended process for a ministerial search. This pledge goal is 5% over our goal from last year. This requires that everyone who can, increase their pledge by at least 5%.
And we would not have arrived at this place and time in our storied history without the wisdom and guidance from Maj-Britt. She has helped us bring our vision alive and has brought a strong spiritual aspect to our ministries. We will miss her immensely as she moves on to her next calling, but her legacy will live with us.
As Anatole France said: “To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.”
We are acting, dreaming, planning, and believing.